Viewer Choice - limited choices? other?'s
When I Choose viewer chooses gallery style - He cant choose all of the available styles - loupe, and filmstrip vanish - Why? The film strip especially some love- Why do I have to log in and change the gallery to use the loupe and then change it back when I'm done?
I also wondered if we will at any level of membership, be able to upload a pre-made flash slideshow (ie from light room or slideshowpro for example)
Is there anyway to strip the filenames from the slideshow (I find it very distracting)?
I also wondered if we will at any level of membership, be able to upload a pre-made flash slideshow (ie from light room or slideshowpro for example)
Is there anyway to strip the filenames from the slideshow (I find it very distracting)?
Filmstrip is essentially duplicated by our Slideshow Gallery style. Critique style (with the loupe) is rarely used by folks -- we'll add that functionality into an updated single image view one day. Loupe isn't really needed these days since we have SmugMungous display sizes now
You can't upload other slideshows, at any level - but you can link to them if hosted elsewhere, with any account level.
Filenames from Slideshow view? Got a link for us to see?
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Thanks for the reply! The gallery is The file names are at the bodttom of each image if you start a slide show ( I am currently logged in - I dont suppose it would change if I logged out)
Thanks again