Berkeley, CA Kite Festival

I took a few, overprocessed them to accentuate what my mind's eye saw in their awesome colors. I was completely impressed with using a polarizing filter and RAW. I noticed how the removing of reflected light allowed all the kite strings to become way more visible...added to the shots I thought. Tell me what you all think.

I flopped this one horizontally to be able to read the words on the kite from this side! Neat trick....unless you can read Kanji and now have a problem reading the writing on the back of their jackets!

one last addition....going deep

I flopped this one horizontally to be able to read the words on the kite from this side! Neat trick....unless you can read Kanji and now have a problem reading the writing on the back of their jackets!

one last addition....going deep
We tried to go but the traffic was a mess - next year we bike there!
the treatment of the raw files was very interesting. I ended up moving contrast, brightness and recovery to the max, bumped up blacks and then moved exposure to get the desired effect. Selective levels in PS fine-tuned and got the colors just so. I'd never moved the camera raw sliders to such extremes.
kind of a bummer I only took a few snaps at the event and didn't shoot with any serious intention. was my day of R&R and I was intent on napping during the competitions! Breezy, sunny, kids playing....summer in CA by the Bay rocks.
thanks for the feedback.