Three Windows______________IR

Howdy All,
One from the archives, one of the first images I shot with my
Modded D70S, it's a wooden wall with 3 port type windows.

Thanks for Looking!!!
One from the archives, one of the first images I shot with my
Modded D70S, it's a wooden wall with 3 port type windows.

Thanks for Looking!!!
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
I gotta' ask: What's up with those port windows? What's the story here?
I don't know where I've been all my life, but I've never seen windows like this. It's almost like they were an " artsy " creation. Like Randy, I wonder is there a story here.
Take it easy,
Howdy Randy,
Really a very neat place, love the architecture of the building and the pond in front of it.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Tom,
They really are a neat feature, especially for Kids, Big:D and Small, you can see the reflection of the Trees in them if you really look closely.
They are made out of clay pipe flues I think, with glass inside them, and then siliconed well against the elements, really a neat idea.
Burleson, Texas
Hmm, that's about 3 miles from my house. I've passed it a hundred times, but never stopped. Guess I'll be checking it out
Howdy Randy,
I'd love to see some of your shots from a very low perspective shooting across the Pond towards that neat building, with some neat clouds in the background it would be a stunning image. There are all kind of neat architectural things that would really be great shots, someone had a lot of foresight to see and do all those things.
Burleson, Texas