question about models ages?
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i have a question. i would like to know what is the legal age you can shoot photos(non-nude) of a model without her parents consent? ive been told it is 17 not 18?
i have a question. i would like to know what is the legal age you can shoot photos(non-nude) of a model without her parents consent? ive been told it is 17 not 18?
Generally speaking, 18 is considered the age of consent. Meaning before that, parental permission is required.
I'm not a lawyer & I sure didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express recently
The age of consent in NY is 17, but wouldn't you want to play it safe?
Neal Jacob
With all due respect to out friend Neal; that is a perfect reason why legal / professional advice should not be sought out on internet forums.
The link provided refers to information regarding "the age of consent FOR SEXUAL ACTIVITY"...
...which may or may not have anything to do with the age of consent for entering into a binding, contractual agreement.
here's a link that addresses "age of majority"
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Age of consent has nothing to do with contracts. What you need to determine is age of majority. This is the factor of age.