Global gallery changes???

I know I have done a few searches to find an elegant solution this this challenge but so far nothing I have found seems to work.
The question is this:
Does anybody know a tool, app or plug in that will allow a user to globally update a gallery setting in SmugMug?
An example would be I just tried out the "Be Social" features of a gallery by enabling "Easy Sharing" in the Customize Gallery settings so that the Sharing button now shows up. Now I want to quickly blanket my site and all the galleries within with that same setting without having to click on customize gallery for each one.
I know I can apply a set of settings to other galleries but what if I only want to change one thing globally NOT change all my galleries to the same settings as the first one?
Possible? Suggestions?
The question is this:
Does anybody know a tool, app or plug in that will allow a user to globally update a gallery setting in SmugMug?
An example would be I just tried out the "Be Social" features of a gallery by enabling "Easy Sharing" in the Customize Gallery settings so that the Sharing button now shows up. Now I want to quickly blanket my site and all the galleries within with that same setting without having to click on customize gallery for each one.
I know I can apply a set of settings to other galleries but what if I only want to change one thing globally NOT change all my galleries to the same settings as the first one?
EDIT: Another implementation of the same challenge is; I would like to be able to change a sub set or all of my galleries to a sub category, this change does not even seem to work using "Quick Settings" apply to other galleries.
Possible? Suggestions?
Musings & ramblings at
This pretty much just confirms what I already stated:
Yes I can apply a Quick setting to multiple galleries but these settings
are an all or nothing scenario and they also do not work with sub categories etc...
This leads me back to my original challenge of having to manually make a desired change to each gallery so as to preserve each galleries original setting except for the one change I want to make.
I had some limited success using the SmugBrowser tool but it doesn't seem to work very well for gallery changes in FF 3 even with THIS implementation.
Thank you again for the response.