Maybe I'm not a horse person, but these really aren't doing anything for me. I actually went into your equine gallery to see if maybe you had other photos that actually do move me, and you do.
You've got one of a horse galloping across the water but I think your soft focus ruins what would have been a great shot for me.
So I'm into the power of a horse, the speed and the ferocity lurking beneath the eyes, or even the gentle majestic beauty but not so much into the dreamy soft glowing horse stuff. I wanted to say this before I offer my CC, which is really a subjective, what these photos do for me. You may think I'm not the target audience.
First one, I'm not digging the low angle here.
Second one. The dreamy treatment isn't too strong here and I can actually get into this shot a bit. I'd probably prefer the horse facing me, but I don't dig the background. Like the transparency effect in photoshop or something. I suppose in a perfect world, I'd have liked to see something else back there. A stream maybe? Or even a recognizable barn or something.
3, Not digging the crop. Maybe a bit more of the nose. But you've got this huge neck and head, but then the eyes are abuptly cut off. Seems a bit off balance to me.
As I said, if I'm not the taret audience group, please ignore what I say. You do have a strong style apparent in your work, so I might just not get it. You can't please everyone, and probably not me.
I do appreciate your opinion but of course not everyone's work is going to appeal to everyone else. Like you said, these are not my best photos, but they were posted on the day I took them, just for the heck of it. In #2, there was a chain link fence behind him. Not very attractive at all, so . . . thus the "blur" in the background.
#3 isn't a crop, that's how I took the photo as an abstract close-up. THe client loved this one so . . there you have it.
The first two were taken at a miniature horse ranch where you don't have direct access to the horses so angles of shots weren't always perfectly balanced. I did what I could with what I had to work with. Thanks again for your reply. I do appreciate it.
Maybe I'm not a horse person, but these really aren't doing anything for me. I actually went into your equine gallery to see if maybe you had other photos that actually do move me, and you do.
You've got one of a horse galloping across the water but I think your soft focus ruins what would have been a great shot for me.
So I'm into the power of a horse, the speed and the ferocity lurking beneath the eyes, or even the gentle majestic beauty but not so much into the dreamy soft glowing horse stuff. I wanted to say this before I offer my CC, which is really a subjective, what these photos do for me. You may think I'm not the target audience.
First one, I'm not digging the low angle here.
Second one. The dreamy treatment isn't too strong here and I can actually get into this shot a bit. I'd probably prefer the horse facing me, but I don't dig the background. Like the transparency effect in photoshop or something. I suppose in a perfect world, I'd have liked to see something else back there. A stream maybe? Or even a recognizable barn or something.
3, Not digging the crop. Maybe a bit more of the nose. But you've got this huge neck and head, but then the eyes are abuptly cut off. Seems a bit off balance to me.
As I said, if I'm not the taret audience group, please ignore what I say. You do have a strong style apparent in your work, so I might just not get it. You can't please everyone, and probably not me.
#3 isn't a crop, that's how I took the photo as an abstract close-up. THe client loved this one so . . there you have it..
Yep, I figured that the right kinda person would love your shots. Which is why I spent a long time qualifiying my position as probably not your target audience. Some other stuff on your account would look good on my walls though.
Yep, I figured that the right kinda person would love your shots. Which is why I spent a long time qualifiying my position as probably not your target audience. Some other stuff on your account would look good on my walls though.
Power and intensity
I like this one too
You've got one of a horse galloping across the water but I think your soft focus ruins what would have been a great shot for me.
So I'm into the power of a horse, the speed and the ferocity lurking beneath the eyes, or even the gentle majestic beauty but not so much into the dreamy soft glowing horse stuff. I wanted to say this before I offer my CC, which is really a subjective, what these photos do for me. You may think I'm not the target audience.
First one, I'm not digging the low angle here.
Second one. The dreamy treatment isn't too strong here and I can actually get into this shot a bit. I'd probably prefer the horse facing me, but I don't dig the background. Like the transparency effect in photoshop or something. I suppose in a perfect world, I'd have liked to see something else back there. A stream maybe? Or even a recognizable barn or something.
3, Not digging the crop. Maybe a bit more of the nose. But you've got this huge neck and head, but then the eyes are abuptly cut off. Seems a bit off balance to me.
As I said, if I'm not the taret audience group, please ignore what I say. You do have a strong style apparent in your work, so I might just not get it. You can't please everyone, and probably not me.
#3 isn't a crop, that's how I took the photo as an abstract close-up. THe client loved this one so . . there you have it.
The first two were taken at a miniature horse ranch where you don't have direct access to the horses so angles of shots weren't always perfectly balanced. I did what I could with what I had to work with. Thanks again for your reply.
Yep, I figured that the right kinda person would love your shots. Which is why I spent a long time qualifiying my position as probably not your target audience.
Take care!