Grils sports tournaments more lucrative for communities..

David EvertsenDavid Evertsen Registered Users Posts: 524 Major grins
edited July 30, 2009 in Sports
How bout for photographers?? Here is an article that is in the NY Times about how girls sports tournaments are becoming huge for some cities compared to like boys events. Do you sell more photos to boys or girls events. I have been told by many photogs on the sidelines they sell more to girls parents than boys once they get older.. What is your personal experience? I realize that it has a lot to do on how committed you the sport requires you to be.

Here is the link..


  • tjk60tjk60 Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited July 29, 2009
    my sales show boys: younger the better. Girls, older sells better, but little girls still sells well....
    Troy, MI

    D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more
  • beetle8beetle8 Registered Users Posts: 677 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2009
    I don't think the gender matters.
    Just the commitment time 1st and money 2nd. In my experience the more time that is invested in a sport, the more people want to have something to remember it by.
    This would be the amount of time that the people with the money invest. For my little corner of it, I know that the lower level Gymnastics parents devote a heck of a lot more time to the sport than the mid level parents do, and the sales mirror that.
    With BMX the families who attend local races only, are not as inclined to buy pictures as the families that travel with the sport and invest way more time.
    Little league has a relatively low commitment level, but hockey has a huge commitment level and sales reflect it.
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