Event pricing question....

Can I take a poll on how much you are all charging for events other than weddings? I have been asked several times to do things like baptisms, 1st birthdays etc which I have shyed away from but don't know how long I can hold out because these usually will turn into portrait sessions. What's the going rate for an average pro photographer in an average size town in the northeast? I was thinking like $125.00/hr with all the editing and such. Too much? Whaddaya all think? :dunno Thanks in advance for your advice

Snady :thumb
my money well spent 
Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
Once you find out how many finished images the client wants, offer a price according to what time you think it will take.
A lot of photographers offer 1 hour of time for $125.00
What you could do to get the client out of the "time" mentality is offer the 30 images they want for $125.00 or 40 images for $150.00 (however the math figures out)
I have found that some clients hear the 1 hour and try to figure out how to get the most images for that period of time. They also rush through the hour trying to get every possible pose. The last thing I want my client to do is be looking at their watch.
In the end you are getting the same hourly rate, just presenting it differently to get the client to see you working for them versus the clock.
Picadilly, NB, Canada