beach candids
We are melting up here in the Pacific Northwest! Yesterday the temps soared well above 100 (something around 107, which is WAY out of the ordinary), so my son and I escaped to the coast with a friend and her kids. When we arrived, we found perfect temps and a very foggy beach. It was so strange to look east and see blue skies, but the beach itself was completely foggy, yet nice and warm.
(All shot with the Canon 40D and 17-55 2.8 IS.)
Looking east...
Looking west at the water...
The fog never completely cleared, but it did lighten a bit here and there. It was actually really fun to take pictures in this. I knew I wanted to go for a bright, nearly blown look, and then I found I liked the tones of this free LR preset called Creative Catalyst 10, although it does seem to apply some smoothing that may be heavy handed. Now that I've posted them to Smug, I see some banding stuff going on that wasn't so visible in LR. Perhaps something to do with the vignette effect? Anyway, I'd love to know what you think of these comps and conversions. Thanks!
(All shot with the Canon 40D and 17-55 2.8 IS.)
Looking east...
Looking west at the water...
The fog never completely cleared, but it did lighten a bit here and there. It was actually really fun to take pictures in this. I knew I wanted to go for a bright, nearly blown look, and then I found I liked the tones of this free LR preset called Creative Catalyst 10, although it does seem to apply some smoothing that may be heavy handed. Now that I've posted them to Smug, I see some banding stuff going on that wasn't so visible in LR. Perhaps something to do with the vignette effect? Anyway, I'd love to know what you think of these comps and conversions. Thanks!
Wonderful work, Elaine. The fog ones strike me as a bit too foggy. I made some adjustments to the second, which may or may not work for you. It strikes me that by adding just a bit of contrast, the image is enhanced. But it's your image.
The rest of the series is wonderful. They're close; they're alive; they're full of movement and life; they really capture kids at the beach. (I'd lose the toning, but that's me.)
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
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Nice candids!
Yes, it does look like a sandstorm, doesn't it?
A bit more about #8...the guy in the background is my son, the tall boy that's in the rest of the photos. He's actually making his way to the girl in the bucket, ferrying "dry" sand for her to put in her bucket (who knows why that sand was in such and their funny ideas ). So, when I took the shot, I was actually glad to see him back there. But if it wasn't my kiddo, I would feel the same way.
Thanks for your comments!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I didn't pick up on the #95 on his jersey. The depth of the image made me think he was much bigger than the girl in the foreground. If we didn't have ferral cats around, I could put a sandbox in the backyard and some water, and my 10-year-old would happily play there for hours. I think if they have to move the water or the sand from one place to bring them together, it makes it much more enjoyable. Love the reflection in the water in that one as well....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I love the energy and happiness in there Elaine! Fantastic stuff.
Elaine these are beautiful....really "alive".....and I love the processing as well. That fog really dealt you some nice soft light and dreamy backgrounds. The vignettes are also a nice touch, although I noticed some sky banding in a couple...most notably in #5.
5 and 10 are AWESOME!!!!
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Thanks, BD! I agree that fog is a bit much. Thanks for sharing your version. I really wasn't quite sure what to do with the shot, so I didn't do much and figured it certainly showed how foggy it was! More contrast is a good idea.
I really like this toning!
Thanks for the comments!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thanks, Nik!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thank you so very much, Heather! I have liked the look of this preset for a long time, and yet I rarely find a shot that feels appropriate to use it. With the blue/gray tones and this being at the beach, and with all the fog, this seemed just right for these. Thanks, and enjoy the presets!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Wow, thanks, Jeff! Yes, that fog seemed like a giant softbox or something. It made everything dreamy and light.
What do you think I can do about the banding? Does that mean the vignette is just too strong?
Thank you!!!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thanks much, DubDubDub!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography might mean nothing.....
Smugmug does some sharpening on the smaller than original resizes so it might just affect ned to check out your original super close to be sure its not there.
If it is evident in the original then you should ease up on the contrast of that vignette.....maybe by backing off the black point.....lightening the vignette.....or pulling back on the overall contrast.
Just check out your original...and if you are still worried about it order a smaller test print prior to printing it large.....and these appear to be large print worthy!
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Superbly captured, masterfully processed! I aspire to this.
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Thank you so much for the very kind and generous comment!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography