The Deed is Done!!!

Just got off phone/email/internet whatever with Cameta Photo.
I have officially joined the Dark Side :clap
D2Hs and goodies will be arriving this coming Monday!!
I post this here cause you folks have become such an important part of my Photography Life, as well as sometimes for my Heart & Soul :cry for Happy!!
You have all helped me in every you can and some of you (know who you are
) have done so much more :cry :cry for happy again!!
I will undoubtedly be buggin everyone to tears, with questions like, where's the shutter, how do I set WB, why are my piccies Soft!! :rofl :lol4, and I'm sure you'll be here for me. Have said it before say it again this is a great place and you are all great Human Beings!! :bow
Well gotta get to work, cause one other thing I'M BROKE !!
see you all this evening
I have officially joined the Dark Side :clap
D2Hs and goodies will be arriving this coming Monday!!
I post this here cause you folks have become such an important part of my Photography Life, as well as sometimes for my Heart & Soul :cry for Happy!!
You have all helped me in every you can and some of you (know who you are

I will undoubtedly be buggin everyone to tears, with questions like, where's the shutter, how do I set WB, why are my piccies Soft!! :rofl :lol4, and I'm sure you'll be here for me. Have said it before say it again this is a great place and you are all great Human Beings!! :bow
Well gotta get to work, cause one other thing I'M BROKE !!
see you all this evening
What is that you ordered??? Two cameras? What cameras? Why two?
etc. But fantastic
I am a good sport, I am happy for others, I am a good person, ...............ah, hell, I am the worst jealous sinner possible.:cry
No, no, the tears are not for my sinning ways, the tears are for my inablility to indulge my more greedy side in a higher fashion. Sin is easy........not a problem, as long as I don't express it.
Fantastic, Ben.
Are you getting lenses?? I am a bit confused.
mumble, mumble, mumble..........
As a new Nikon owner or soon to be owner one thing you have to be aware of is jealousy from Canonites. We try to go easy on them and not rub it in about the superiority of our equipment. Couple of rules for dealing with them.
1. Be nice to them they have enough problems already.
2. Always praise their pictures because they had to overcome severe handicaps to get them
3. Try not to shoot with them because those white lenses scare off the wildlife.
4. When hanging with Canonites I always try to pick up the check. Since Canon comes out with a new camera model every six months they never have any money left as the frantically scramble to upgrade their now outdated cameras. Us Nikonians don't have that problem as Nikon comes out with a new model very other decade. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Be sure to post pics!
Oh My God. I almost fell off the chair I was laughing so hard.
Congrats on the new camera Ben.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I like them alot!
He only ordered one camera, the Nikon D2Hs. This is the replacement/update for the D2H. Like the D70s is the replacement/update for the D70.
I saw a white (well grey) nikon lens the other day....word on the street is that harry paints his lenses white when shooting alone.
Cant wait to see your shots with it.
The fun is all in the learning.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
What I really wanted to share right now is a "Laugh" which was handed to me by my two best 4 legged buds. I had to tell them of my good fortune and found their reaction quite funny:
Brownie, "Dad I don't care what you shoot me with, just leave my ball alone, and why is Mom pointing at the ground there's nothing there, it's a trick to get my ball, no can do Mom."
Schnooig, "Lip smackin good Dad, Lip smackin good."
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This threads for you
Actually I think I had one of those Cherry Ripes
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thanks G, but If you really want to lay some congrats on me send me some of mtn dew
Yes lenses too, just not the big one yet
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As I have always paid attention to your tutelage, here again I will follow the rules.
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Now that sounds Sexy, cool........can't wait for that feeling
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Thanks Dave
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Yep you bet, makes me think of that line for the Tom Cruise flyboy movie (I really am getting old
"I feel the need for speed!!"
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Me too, can't wait to put them in practice :lol
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Ain't she just soooooo prrrreeettttttyyyyyy
thank you John
By the way any update on the boy, Samuel I believe, his condition improve I hope? Should we continue to include him in our prayer list?
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thank you Gus
Can't wait to show ya some
Harry gonna get you for that
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thanks John
I just got my fingers crossed that the curve not to steep!!
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No need to feel alone.
Like fine wine and a great lady, the FZ not going no where. She's been a good friend and teacher and would not kick her to the curb for a super Model
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Hi Eric
well photo shoot went so so, not as many keepers as I would have hoped. Very challenging situation indeed. There were several folks there including the guests of honor in there early nineties, and my wife wanted me to make them look younger, SAY WHAT!!! :lol4
Thank you again for your support
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Sorry bro that one lens will have to wait a bit for more $$$$$!!!
Thinking of sneaking your 200 on me new body for a couple shots
We shoot Sunday fer sure, & yes Monday, Tuesday........all the time I hope, well maybe a stop for :food :eat & Latrine rights
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