stop photo downloads?
I'm pretty new to Digital Grin.
I'm a standard Smug mug user, basically use it to put up my photos to show to friends and family.
Originally I was more than happy for friends to download the photos for their own use. However more and more often friends are copying the photos and putting them on Facebook etc, which I am not very thrilled about. I have told them not to do it, or at the very least ask for my permission in advance, however it still happens.
Is there anyway I can prevent my photos from being copied / downloaded?
I'm pretty new to Digital Grin.
I'm a standard Smug mug user, basically use it to put up my photos to show to friends and family.
Originally I was more than happy for friends to download the photos for their own use. However more and more often friends are copying the photos and putting them on Facebook etc, which I am not very thrilled about. I have told them not to do it, or at the very least ask for my permission in advance, however it still happens.
Is there anyway I can prevent my photos from being copied / downloaded?
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Thanks for that. Pro is probably a bit out of my price range for what I use Smugmug for!
BTW do I have to do this for each gallery, or is there a global way of doing this?
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Rups, I am not affiliated with SmugMug but I do recommend SmugMug to almost every photographer I meet
I know a Pro account is a big step up from power but stop and think about how much your photographs mean to you.
A while ago I had theft of my photographs from my site, I used all the methods I could, restricting the viewing size, pop up right click warning etc. What had happen was a band had decided to do a screen grab of my website and then upload the stolen photographs to there own site.
I pursued this with the band and invoiced them for the theft of the images. They basically were willing to go to court and fight me through the justice system !!!!
In the end an agreement was made and the photographs got removed.
Now back to my point... I own a pro account for one simple reason. It offers 'on the fly' watermarking, I upload a few hundred photographs, click 'Watermark' and I no longer have to worry about people screen grabbing my photographs.
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As it is now, I NEVER use quicksettings because I typically want to change one setting on a bunch of galleries. To use a quick settings requires that I verify beforehand that it's OK if I force ALL the gallery settings on All the affected galleries in the bunch to be the same. That's a lot of clicks to verify that you won't be changing something you don't mean to.
Perhaps not a big deal if all your galleries are family galleries with the same settings. But, it's a lot more complicated when you have galleries for many different types of constituencies, each with different settings, passwords, degrees of locked-down-ness (nice word I just make up), etc...
It's not that it's broken now - it does what you intended, it's just only about 10% as useful as it could be.
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I am not seeing a way to turn off the save feature entirely. I don't even want it to be an option when someone hovers over an image.
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