Runway 13

Getting a shot from the window of a plane is dicey. Usually the window is dirty (grease marks from the last guy who rested his head on it while sleeping) or potmarked and scratched. Sometimes you get lucky. This isn't a great image or anything, but I'm happy that it turned out okay. This is runway 13 at Laguardia (looking SE toward Flushing Bay).

More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
Jeff Meyers
Jeff Meyers
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Jeff Meyers
Oh, did I forget to say that I'm a co-pilot, and that the grease stains on the window are from the pilot falling asleep with his head on the windshield?
Jeff Meyers
I was going to ask "howd you get a shot on the runway" then read you were in the plane.... looks pretty good to me