Trip to the Oshkosh Air Show (Wisconsin)
I've been to a couple air shows but most have been the type where they just do circular patterns. Oshkosh on the otherhand, is not that type air show. Infact, some consider it the best show in the U.S.
Here's a couple from the first three days (Monday thru Wednesday).
My only "keeper" I took on Monday.

Why was the above shot the only keeper? A change in weather of course. The afternoon show was cancelled.

While I was there I ran into Albert Einstein's child.

NASCAR Car Owner, Jack Roush

Some wing walking

Here's a couple from the first three days (Monday thru Wednesday).
My only "keeper" I took on Monday.

Why was the above shot the only keeper? A change in weather of course. The afternoon show was cancelled.

While I was there I ran into Albert Einstein's child.

NASCAR Car Owner, Jack Roush

Some wing walking

- Wil
crisp, colourful! I recently shot a few shots of a F-16 dogfighting from my plane window that came out pretty cool but i cant publish them.. :cry working on it though
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Boy, you got some nice aircrafts there, like Virgin Galactic!
Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer
Pittsburgh Wedding Photography Blog
Very, very nice indeed!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
These are great! I love the color and the crops. Excellent!!
Amazing job!
And I like some of yours better than these:
Other Oshkosh photos on cnet
My Gallery
what size lens were you using??
I followed the Airbus A380 through production! Fat whale of an aircraft, but SOOO nice inside!
Man, I need a bigger lens for airshows!!! MUCH bigger lens!!!
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
I used two set ups while I was shooting. I used my Canon XTI with my Canon 500mm lens and used my Canon 100-400 on my 5D.
I'm so close yet never have been up fot the show. This year I had it on my calendar. Next year....
Wonderful images of wonderful aircraft!
Ah, to be young again .....
Take the scenic route. Life is too short to do otherwise.
I wonder if you were the dude with the tripod and 500 standing behind my wife and me to the left of Aeroshell Square where the people were sitting on the wing of their bipe?
We were there for the week and took plenty of photos (a yearly pilgramage for us for many years). Deb was shooting the 30D with Bigma and I the 70-200 IS with 2xTC and occasionally with the Tokina 10-17 for crowd shots.
I, too, noticed "Einstein's Son" wandering around near us, but did not get him in a shot as nice as yours! BTW, did you get to stay and watch Dunham's ribald show Saturday?
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
If there was a tripod involved it wasn't me (can I get an amen Davev?).
I was there M-W. I stand 6'5" weigh 290lbs and ALWAYS wear a New York Yankee hat (wouldn't be caught dead without it).
Thank you.
I thoroughly enjoyed your pix. Thanks.