Reflectors and such

Hey all, was woundering if you could give me some good suggestions on a good reflector and anything of the sort for outside portraits. I currently dont have anything but feel i need to get something. thanks in advance.
So far I have had good luck using automotive sun shade reflectors.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
That makes so much sense! I can now grab my wife's reflector to try as a new toy. Easier to explain than purchasing one!
There are lots of ways to go, depending upon the outdoor situation.
See if this link gives you any ideas:
I do suggest looking through the series:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
warmer colors. But as soon as you start experimenting you'll find
out which ones you prefer.
― Edward Weston
I've used car reflectors (get the kind where you get TWO pop-open ones for a wide windscreen - I think they're the XL that Walmart sells which are 2 for $12 or so), and a sheet of white foamboard also works very nicely as a cheap and easy reflector (the rigidity makes it easy to hold, too)
A hand held scrim is a very nice way to soften the light
Or you can have someone hold up an old white bedsheet for a lower cost, but not nearly as handy scrim...
California Sun Bounce makes a whole line of scrims used by photographers and movie studios.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin