Yay or Nay?
Introducing Sunny, the kitty. I'm guessing he is about one year old. Sunny just showed up at the house one day about two weeks ago. He was malnourished, and looking really rough. He has adopted me, and now hangs out on a regular basis. He eats like a horse and is getting pretty healthy looking. Once I can gain a little more trust, I am going to take him to the vet to get vaccinations and have his manhood removed. He is really a nice, friendly kitty.
1. Here he is (was) napping in the breezeway next to the fence. Being a feral, he feels secure there on the cool concrete.

2. He still won't smile, but he sure meows a lot. He does not know what to think of the camera. Boy does he have a lot to learn.
1. Here he is (was) napping in the breezeway next to the fence. Being a feral, he feels secure there on the cool concrete.

2. He still won't smile, but he sure meows a lot. He does not know what to think of the camera. Boy does he have a lot to learn.

I have one of my cat that I really like where he is sitting in my chair (MY chair!
I can't use this one for the challenge, because it was taken a while ago, but maybe it will give you an idea.
I'm not sure the subject necessarily has to be a person, though.
I may be s.o.l. on this one, at least with the kitty. He is still pretty wild, and gets even more skittish when the camera comes out.
Perhaps I'll have to plan an ambush!
Sounds like my 3 year old son!!
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