smugmug API blog

As you can see in this thread, we've started a bunch of smugmug blogs.
The important one here, of course, is the API blog. In it, you'll find definitive ongoing information about the API that won't get lost among the discussions here.
Both resources, when combined, should give you the clearest view of what's happening with the API and where we'd like it to go.
The important one here, of course, is the API blog. In it, you'll find definitive ongoing information about the API that won't get lost among the discussions here.
Both resources, when combined, should give you the clearest view of what's happening with the API and where we'd like it to go.
I don't mean to sound negative, but does this mean that from now on the API information will be posted in two places instead of one, and now I have to watch both, otherwise I'll miss something?
Also, here at dgrin I can at least inititate the thread. I looked at the blogs and it seems that I can only make comments..
No, it depends on the information. The great thing about dgrin is that we can get into involved, detailed conversations and really discuss things.
The bad thing is that new people cannot easily find my posts buried in the threads which have very useful information.
The blog serves as a repository for stuff that's essential without all the noise of discussion associated with it.
And, if you register, you should be able to submit drafts of things to the blog. Bear in mind you probably won't get published unless you're on topic and the topic is going to be of long-term use to everyone else reading the blog, but I certainly encourage on-topic posts.
So far I've only gone over a few functions and have noticed things that should be mentioned. I'll add to this list once I've gone all of the way through the API
For example, what I've found so far is:
*smugmug.logout says it doesn't return a result but in fact it returns a string named "logout" and contains "success" on a successful logout.
*smugmug.albums.get the array structure that is returned says SubCategory and SubCategoryID but doesn't mention that they're optional. Which matters when you're using a strict XML-RPC implementation such as XML-RPC.Net. When programming using this library these parameters need to be marked differently so that it indicates that they're optional otehrwise it results in an exception being thrown.
*smugmug.albums.getInfo states that FamilyEdit and FriendEdit is a bool, however the response shows that it is a string which again results in a mapping exception occuring.
*smugmug.albums.getInfo is also generating an exception because it is unable to map result parameters to my structure because they don't exist. Which are optional and which are mandatory? Would it be a good assumption to make that the structure parameters in smugmug.albums.create that are optional are also the case for this method?
If these issues have been addressed somewhere else and there is a more upto date API doc somewhere else then I apologise. If this is the case could I be directed to the new API doc.