I'd crop in a lot as the right is destracting with the overly bright page. Overall, try to cut down on reflection.
The other thing is, I'm guessing that you picked this passage for a reason. I think its probably good that you didn't hit the viewer in the face with the text. Or else I think the cross would become very secondary. As it is, the cross is covering some of the text. I like that. However, I don't think there's enough text for me to figure out the passage, and thus, your message. Maybe move the camera over the left so you don't see any of page 2, get more of the passage in, and cut down on the glare?
In other news, you are perhaps one of the few here who actually posted in the right forum. Most of the other macro shots aren't so holy.
interesting feedback and I appreciate it. The original thought was to be able to show the light source as the divine light overlooking the rest of the piece. So I shot it meaning for the light to cover the passage from right.
But I do see what you are saying in that you can not get enough out of the picture to relay the passage chosen.
Maybe I will go back and reshoot this my new XTi and see what I come up with.
The other thing is, I'm guessing that you picked this passage for a reason. I think its probably good that you didn't hit the viewer in the face with the text. Or else I think the cross would become very secondary. As it is, the cross is covering some of the text. I like that. However, I don't think there's enough text for me to figure out the passage, and thus, your message. Maybe move the camera over the left so you don't see any of page 2, get more of the passage in, and cut down on the glare?
In other news, you are perhaps one of the few here who actually posted in the right forum. Most of the other macro shots aren't so holy.
But I do see what you are saying in that you can not get enough out of the picture to relay the passage chosen.
Maybe I will go back and reshoot this my new XTi and see what I come up with.