IR Old Train (Sony F828)

SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
edited June 27, 2005 in Landscapes
Ohhhhhh boy I gotta get out more......well I found another road I'd never driven down before last week, mind you it's in the town where I live:rofl

I found a fenced off section that had some train carriages in it ......I thought nothing of it, because I was looking for some really old rusted out ones that someone had told me about.
I had no idea where the old carriages were, but today I found them :clap :clap
It's hard to photograph them because they are right next to an active running train line, and unfortunately the vegetation is way too close to allow me to get back away from the old train.

Haven't used my Sony F828 in a long time, but this is the reason I will not give it up, it's so handy for doing Infrared shots.

Enjoy......... Skippy (Australia)


Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin


  • NirNir Registered Users Posts: 1,400 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Skippy, FANTASTIC!! Really love them both!

    Nir Alon

    images of my thoughts
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Thank you Nir
    Nir wrote:
    Skippy, FANTASTIC!! Really love them both!
    I shall have to go back there again and see if I can't do better...... sun was down a bit in the sky, if it was straight over head I would cast better light, because of the line of vegetation that blocks the sun once it moves to the early afternoon.......glad you like them :D Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • rahmonsterrahmonster Registered Users Posts: 1,376 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    That first one is wonderful. Very nice!thumb.gif

    Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    rahmonster wrote:
    That first one is wonderful. Very nice!thumb.gif
    If only the vegetation wasn't where it is I could get it on a better angle, but alas it is where it is rolleyes1.gif ........ looks pretty cool sitting on the side of the tracks like that too.......thanks for looking...... Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • Phil U.Phil U. Registered Users Posts: 1,330 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Ah, really nice. Here's a thought for you - since you don't use the 828 much, get it modded for IR. ne_nau.gif
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Phil U. wrote:
    Ah, really nice. Here's a thought for you - since you don't use the 828 much, get it modded for IR. ne_nau.gif
    The cost of modifying my F828 is just not worth it, I might as well use it the way it is, and use my pennies for other new toys like a big big big Lens....ohhhhhhhhh drool drool.......sorry but my eyes are on a new lens in the very very very near future rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks for the thought anyways :) Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • KhaosKhaos Registered Users Posts: 2,435 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    The second one really does it for me. The train's the subject and bringing it in closer makes it work even more. Very nice.thumb.gif
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Pretty cool
    and I don't even like IR that much! When I was visiting friends in New Jersey I saw a small train museum but the weather was bordering on rain and we were late...

    We watch this program occasionally called Bay Area Backroads and occasionally they will do a segment on trains in our area.

    There are areas in my town I've never been to and it's not "that" big a town, about 35,000 people. I know there are stables in the back of the valley (as the locals refer to it) I've never been to.

    In a way, it's nice to stumble on something new, right?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Khaos wrote:
    The second one really does it for me. The train's the subject and bringing it in closer makes it work even more. Very nice.thumb.gif
    15524779-Ti.gif Could'nt have said it better. Really nice.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • USAIRUSAIR Registered Users Posts: 2,646 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Very cool IR
    Both are just great
    What was your workflow on these (it's been a while can't remember)
    Same problem here need to carry the 717 around more

  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Hi Ya Khaos
    Khaos wrote:
    The second one really does it for me. The train's the subject and bringing it in closer makes it work even more. Very nice.thumb.gif
    I went looking for the train last week, and couldn't find it because it is a little ways down the track from the road, I saw the two new carriages and thought hmmmmmm it can't be down here ne_nau.gif then found out during the week the old train further down the track from the new carriages.

    Hard to get a good shot because of its position on the track.
    I couldn't get a shot of it front on because it's in such a narrow section.

    So I just took a heap to see how they looked on the computer when I got home.

    I'm glad I finally found the train rolleyes1.gif thanks for looking....Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    You Sound Like Me Dee
    Dee wrote:
    and I don't even like IR that much! When I was visiting friends in New Jersey I saw a small train museum but the weather was bordering on rain and we were late...

    We watch this program occasionally called Bay Area Backroads and occasionally they will do a segment on trains in our area.

    There are areas in my town I've never been to and it's not "that" big a town, about 35,000 people. I know there are stables in the back of the valley (as the locals refer to it) I've never been to.

    In a way, it's nice to stumble on something new, right?
    Hi ya Dee... there's only about 8,500- 9,000 people in this town rolleyes1.gif and I still haven't driven down some of the roads in and around it :D

    I know there is a big big old steam train that runs between here and Queenscliff, and it's a real beauty, I need to photograph that one, it's in such beautiful condition ......... IR doesn't work for everything, what I like is how it takes on that old time era about it.

    Take Care Dee........ Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Thanks Allen
    Allen wrote:
    15524779-Ti.gif Could'nt have said it better. Really nice.
    By the looks of the train it's been there a long long long time, next time I need to drive down that road even further and see what else is down there that I didn't know about rolleyes1.gif Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Hi Ya Frank
    USAIR wrote:
    Very cool IR
    Both are just great
    What was your workflow on these (it's been a while can't remember)
    Same problem here need to carry the 717 around more

    Do you know I got the camera out, got out the R72, ND4 & ND8, put them on and then didn't have a clue how to put the camera into Nightshot Mode rolleyes1.gif
    Couldn't find my book, cause it's amoungst the rubble I made when I tried to move all my gear from one bag to another........the books there somewhere, but I just couldn't find it yesterday.

    In the end I went on Dpreview and did a search for IR settings on the Sony Forum :lol4 so I finally got the camera into Nightshot Mode grabbed my tripod and remote control and off I went.

    I have Photoshop Elements 3, what I do is open the image in there, do levels, then decide if I need to do any brightness/contrast.

    Next I mess around (forgive me but I do just that) I discovered in the Layers dropdown menu all kinds of options so I put a Mulitply Layer, and slide it to the desired look, then I apply a Screen Layer and slide that to the desired look, and sometimes but not all the time I will try an Overlay Layer.

    To be honest I just mess till I think it looks okay, maybe it's not the right way to do it ne_nau.gif and to finish it off I put it through NeatImage :D

    Sorry Frank, I'm not a technical person I just try try to achieve something that looks good :D Give those Layers a try ......Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • MuskyDudeMuskyDude Registered Users Posts: 1,508 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    So, what wall are you planning to put these on Skippy? thumb.gif Fantastic!!!! clap.gif

  • Phil U.Phil U. Registered Users Posts: 1,330 Major grins
    edited June 26, 2005
    Skippy wrote:
    The cost of modifying my F828 is just not worth it, I might as well use it the way it is, and use my pennies for other new toys like a big big big Lens....ohhhhhhhhh drool drool.......sorry but my eyes are on a new lens in the very very very near future rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks for the thought anyways :) Skippy (Australia)

    I know what you mean... I was just trying to throw some evil temptation your way... hahahaha... I see you've got your eye on the ball. thumb.gif
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 27, 2005
    Hey Skip,

    Looks like you had fun icon10.gif

    I don't know what it is but there is something really cool about taking shots of old rundown trains/train stations.

    I had a trip down to the old Yarra Glen train station last year and did some IR work down there.

    So did you get a shot from the driver's cabin ?


    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2005
    Hi Ya Again AJ
    MuskyDude wrote:
    So, what wall are you planning to put these on Skippy? thumb.gif Fantastic!!!! clap.gif AJ
    Ohhhhhhh gosh I gotta fess up......... of all the photos I have taken since going Digital I have only ever printed ONE rolleyes1.gif

    Maybe it's a built in syndrome when we were kids we were never allowed to put things on the wall, and I really don't have much on the walls now rolleyes1.gif

    Heyyy!!! but this is my house right ? so I can do whatever I want right rolleyes1.gif

    Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2005
    Hi Phil
    Phil U. wrote:
    I know what you mean... I was just trying to throw some evil temptation your way... hahahaha... I see you've got your eye on the ball. thumb.gif
    I think I am at breaking point with my desire, gotta see what all these dang bills add up, and maybe, just maybe I could get the lens before my USA trip.... it's sooooooo hard to drool for sooooo long rolleyes1.gif Take Care....Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2005
    Hi David
    devbobo wrote:
    Hey Skip,

    Looks like you had fun icon10.gif

    I don't know what it is but there is something really cool about taking shots of old rundown trains/train stations.

    I had a trip down to the old Yarra Glen train station last year and did some IR work down there.

    So did you get a shot from the driver's cabin ?


    Unfortunately the Main Engine is half way down the line, it has carriages in front of it, and also behind it, so I can't get a front on shot of the actual Engine ne_nau.gif I wish the Engine was at the front of the Train but its kinda in the middle of it all.

    I think I also picked the wrong time of the day to go find it, I should have gone out earlier when the sun was higher in the sky, because of the vegetation around the sides of the track.

    The further over the sun got the more shadows it cast.
    I tried walking down the walking track to see if I could get a shot through the vegetation, but it's too think ....... yep another trip down there is in order for sure :D Take Care David............. Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • 4labs4labs Registered Users Posts: 2,089 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2005
    Glad you are branching out Skippy. Not that I don't love your bugs and allrolleyes1.gif These are really cool shots.
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2005
    Hi Ya 4labs
    4labs wrote:
    Glad you are branching out Skippy. Not that I don't love your bugs and allrolleyes1.gif These are really cool shots.
    I just got so caught up in trying to learn about my Canon Gear before my trip, I simply forgot about my Sony Gear.

    My biggest problem is the fact that I usually work 7 days a week, and if not 7 it's 6, so I dont get to see the sun rise or the sun set.

    We are having really odd weather at the moment, it's WINTER, and cold, but we've had some real SPRING days, my fruit trees went back into blossom a couple of months ago and have fruit on them, they should be just bare, no leaves and no fruit.......the nights and mornings are getting colder.

    At work we are waiting the green light to go live on a new computer system, and when the happens I will be working even longer hours till everything settles USA trip is only 39 more sleeps away rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gifclap.gif

    When I get back from USA I am going to try my hand a Bird Photography, we have a lot of birds around here, but my biggest lens is just not long enough.

    Thanks for the thumbs up......take care......... Skippy (Australia)
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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