We have scanned for several diff large projects and a few photographers as well. We have a drum scanner and!!!!!!!!!
Our former employee Tom Dietrich, developed a method that we use here, for the majority of our scans that we dont need to drum scan, we call it Snapscaning!
Basically we use a Canon 1dsM3 mounted on a copy table, lay the original in a carrier and click the shutter for a sharp 47meg RAW file. For this Tom Dietrich charges between $2 and $4 dollars depending upon a few variables. If you are really interested in setting up your own snap scanner or having Tom scan for you please email tom@muenchphotography.com
I am not in on this to make money, just helping out!
What size originals and how many?
Muench Workshops
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Scan Cafe does slides, by hand, for $.29 for 35mm.
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This doesn't belong in the Grad School forum, so I moved it to For Hire.
Thanks - I'll check 'em out.
I have tried them and would not rec them unless you want soft detail and blown highlights:cry
Muench Workshops
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GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
We dont advertise!
We have scanned for several diff large projects and a few photographers as well. We have a drum scanner and!!!!!!!!!
Our former employee Tom Dietrich, developed a method that we use here, for the majority of our scans that we dont need to drum scan, we call it Snapscaning!
Basically we use a Canon 1dsM3 mounted on a copy table, lay the original in a carrier and click the shutter for a sharp 47meg RAW file. For this Tom Dietrich charges between $2 and $4 dollars depending upon a few variables. If you are really interested in setting up your own snap scanner or having Tom scan for you please email tom@muenchphotography.com
I am not in on this to make money, just helping out!
Muench Workshops
MW on Facebook