I'd like some tips for landscape post processing
I know it's a generic question.. but there is always a distinct difference between landscape shots that are good and bad other than composition and that is in the Post Processing. I always feel like I know what mine to turn out like.. but I keep doing things to them until I think I go in the wrong direction. What is a good work-flow for TAKING AND editing landscape pictures.. Starting with taking the actual picture. I have a Cokin filter I use but what is everyone elses set up and all for taking landscape photos and then your PP techniques. Thanks!
Most images need a bit of pop
It also helps to list sample photos and what software you are using.
Let us know a little about your image editing skills and software, and what you want to accomplish.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
That said, several (to me, bad) things jump out: the blown-out yellows in the sky and the blue sand. It's hard to comment on your approach without seeing the original.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin