Silhouette shots – HELP!
These are my first attempts at Sihouettes. I took these with a Nikon D70 at the airport on Friday… and I’m at a loss with what to do with them.
I like the concept but they are a little blurry around the face. Are they fixable?
Not sure if I chose the right camera settings either. I used auto focus and ISO 400. Can't for the life of me remember f-stop. Knew I should have taken the time to dig out my notebook :dunno
I’m not sure how to crop them either? Suggestions anyone?
Help please.
I like the concept but they are a little blurry around the face. Are they fixable?
Not sure if I chose the right camera settings either. I used auto focus and ISO 400. Can't for the life of me remember f-stop. Knew I should have taken the time to dig out my notebook :dunno
I’m not sure how to crop them either? Suggestions anyone?
Help please.
Amateur in the making. Constructive feedback always welcome.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I have them in 3008 x 2000 max size jpg straight from the camera. All my playing has been done on a tiff.
someone with more technical knowledge, like Lynnma, could provide better advice than I.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I would also recommend knocking the exposure bias down a few clicks.