I think I am cursed, or maybe paying for some past indiscretion. I have been trying to get DSL for the past two months. I do not have DSL.
I have spent about four hours, and talked to between 8 and 15 SBC persons (They claim to be real persons, but who really knows). The best part about this is you can never talk to the same person twice, there are no direct phone numbers, you will get different answers to the same question from different persons, and none of them have any authority to actually do anything.
I had to cancel and reorder DSL because they couldn’t provide the service within 30 days.?????
I have received two welcome installation packages. (Yes, your right I only need one, [that works]). They were quite perturbed when I told them about the second package, wanted to know how I got it and informed me I needed to send it back right away!
After a month and a half they tell me I can connect. Plug in boxes, and cables, run installation CD. Of course it doesn’t work. Call tech, and manually set it up online. Do I have DSL now? No
The DSL slows way down and disconnects. Contact SBC again (I should have a direct line put in) They tell me I am too far from their office. Who knew? My house must have moved, or maybe the earth opened up a huge chasm I am unaware of.
Not to worry they have a technical fix. All “I” need to do is cancel my current DSL, wait a week or so, reorder again, and wait another 2 or 3 weeks and they will provide the fix.
I have sent everything back to them with my best wishes. OK I lied, I didn’t include my best wishes.
I just thought I would share my wonderful experience with SBC, and to encourage all my enemies to order their DSL from this outstanding non service company.
Thanks for reading, I need a drink, or some of that Kava stuff.
I have spent about four hours, and talked to between 8 and 15 SBC persons (They claim to be real persons, but who really knows). The best part about this is you can never talk to the same person twice, there are no direct phone numbers, you will get different answers to the same question from different persons, and none of them have any authority to actually do anything.
I had to cancel and reorder DSL because they couldn’t provide the service within 30 days.?????
I have received two welcome installation packages. (Yes, your right I only need one, [that works]). They were quite perturbed when I told them about the second package, wanted to know how I got it and informed me I needed to send it back right away!
After a month and a half they tell me I can connect. Plug in boxes, and cables, run installation CD. Of course it doesn’t work. Call tech, and manually set it up online. Do I have DSL now? No
The DSL slows way down and disconnects. Contact SBC again (I should have a direct line put in) They tell me I am too far from their office. Who knew? My house must have moved, or maybe the earth opened up a huge chasm I am unaware of.
Not to worry they have a technical fix. All “I” need to do is cancel my current DSL, wait a week or so, reorder again, and wait another 2 or 3 weeks and they will provide the fix.
I have sent everything back to them with my best wishes. OK I lied, I didn’t include my best wishes.
I just thought I would share my wonderful experience with SBC, and to encourage all my enemies to order their DSL from this outstanding non service company.
Thanks for reading, I need a drink, or some of that Kava stuff.
I ended up getting cable internet. 3 times as fast, no hassles, no complicated software setup with WinPoet and PPP-whateveryoucallit. It just works, and man does it scream. I just checked the CNET broadband meter: 3511Kbps. I can live with that!
I highly recommend it.
DSL is not *always* a PITA, but if you're not in the vicinity of the one of the hubs it might be. I had similar problems (although not as bad as Sam's), but eventually also got tired of it and switched to cable (the main reason I didn't do it earlier was there was no digital cable service available until recently).
It's a game they play. Once you place an order, they have X number of days
to complete it (PUC regulation). If you cancel it then it's like it never happened
and they've "met" their obligation. Something else they may try is to pass the
new installation off as "good" when it really isn't. Then it becomes a service
problem and not a new install. Again, they've satisfied the installation requirement.
What I would do is refuse to cancel and tell them that unless the service is
installed and running in the next X days, you will file a written complaint with
the PUC. If that doesn't work for you, file the complaint and then order cable
modem. It's not likely that any other DSL provider will be able to give you
service either (if you're too far away)--but at least they will tell you why.
My father-in-law worked for the local phone company for years and years and is now retired from there. He felt that DSL was the only way to go. (guess he felt he owed his bussinness to them) well he was calling me several times a night trying to get it going. They(the phone company) offered little help and he had the same run around that Sam is having. But he wanted so bad to stay loyal to them that he was determined to get it going. The installation was a Christmas gift from his wife. Well by Feb. he finally had it going and not calling me with issues. He lives in downtown Cincinnati, so I am sure the distance thing was not the problem. Cable is much better if you ask me.
Hope you get connected soon Sam!
*EDIT* I just went to the Cnet meter and I came in at 3639.6! Very acceptable.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
Never a problem with the cable modem.
Bandwidth calculation is measured against that of CNET's Internet Services. Bandwidth may be higher or lower depending on Internet congestion. Calculated tests do not reflect server reliability and speed.
[font=arial, helvetica][size=-1]Connection Type [/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica][size=-1]Connection Speed[/size][/font][font=arial, helvetica][size=-1]Faster Providers[/size][/font]
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
"What I would do is refuse to cancel and tell them that unless the service is
installed and running in the next X days, you will file a written complaint with the PUC."
That's one of the big problems......there is NO ONE to tell.
On second thought, I could forward my complait to the PUC anyway.
I have sent back all their stuff, and ordered from aol. I explained my problem with SBC, and they said it wouldn't be an issue. The DSL provider is COVAD.
Wish me luck.
I have a friend who has DSL, and is happy with it. So don't get the impression that it's impossible!