A Beautiful Snag Overlooking a Point

Everywhere we went we saw 'snags'. It was hard to find a clear area..so it is what it is but ... Is this snag too distracting (dead tree in the center left by fire that has not fell). Suggestions appreciated.

~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
The horizon looks alittle tilted, but when in the mountain areas they naturally are...are we supposed to straighten those??? I ask that because I really don't know if we are or not.
I like how you caught the moon in this photo along with the contrast of rock, lush green and dead trees
Oh and way to throw the moon in as a bonus.
yes the horizon looks tilted. Like you mentioned...the eternal question...to straiten or leave ala natural. I chose to leave this one natural. Thanks for the comment!
I have a few where I am really very close to the edge. This one however, I could not get across the divide to that outer ledge. It drops off pretty steep just before the rock. Yea, I liked that moon! thanks for commenting.
The lighting was getting perfect and I hope to get back to stay longer! Thanks for the comment!
I think putting this snag center or even a little to the right wasnt so good, not with how it pulls from the FG imo, and its leaning to the right also, so maybe it would have been better to keep the Snag a little more in the left side of frame?
the horizon?, you choose to keep it sooc because it reminds you of being out there and breathing hard from the climb and looking for a spare oxygen tank laying around..(well thats what im always doing anyway:D ) so why do you choose to keep it tilted?
fwiw, when the horizon is off some people just fall off the image... so its my opinion to always fix that....
Hey, thank you very much for these suggestions and reminders! No oxygen needed...because I almost passed out!
This is the preceding picture; snag to the left, strait horizon. I loose the rocks though even if i crop the right tree. I am also standing a different level rock.
Here is the original re-worked with strait horizon. I did clone out the snag in another but it seemed to lose something.