Barney had to stay inside today...

cause it was raining pretty hard outside. I kept him in the garage workshop with me and used him to try out my new SB900 and Ultimate Light Box system. He was not the most enthusiastic model one could wish for :rolleyes
C&C appreciated as always.
C&C appreciated as always.

Oh Wow, what a great portrait, I am sure Barney is thrilled with it, and
you're so glad you got him to sign a "Models Release" , didn't you?:D:D:D
Wonderful composition, coloring and toning, and he really worked the "Bored With Having to Stay inside Today Look"
Anymore from this session??
Also, would be interested in hearing about how you like the new SB900
Burleson, Texas
He's lit nicely though it seems more from the rear.
It is a really fabulous system IMO and I'm sure I'll have more to say once I get to know all the bells and whistles better. I partnered it with the UltimateLightBox flash diffuser
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
These latest flash systems from Nikon are teriffic, but a lot more complex to use properly than you would imagine. I'm pretty good at being able to read directions and getting things done, however, in the interest of nailing these systems before I die, I've signed up with a local pro who offers a class in mastering these things. Pray for me to succeed.
See you guy,
Howdy Jack,
That's great to hear about the new flash and diffuser, I have been playing around with this one, it's kind of interesting the way it works and the use of it.
Looking forward to seeing more shots of Barney and seeing what you come up with your new flash and diffuser.
Burleson, Texas
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Actually the ambient lighting consisted of one compact fluorescent bulb inline with his head and 3 ft. to camera right and about 7 ft high. The fill flash was bounced from the ceiling.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Hi Tom
Wish I had access to such a class. I did get a couple of books: one specific to Nikon's speedlights (by Tom Hagen published by Rocky Nook) plus "The Complete Guide to Light and Lighting" by Michael Freeman (both from Barnes and Noble).
I am impressed with how the D700 and the SB900 speak to each other.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
I was looking again this afternoon. The light really highlights his coat and the detail around his eyes.
The Nikon CLS system is so nice. It's got some great features I wish Canon would adopt
I did just pick up a EZbox hotshoe from Lastolite. It's a very nice and easy to use softbox that works well with something like the SB900.
Obviously well groomed and I suspect spoiled ta boot.
Your effort with the lighting really paid off for sure.
I think its an excellent photograph of Barney. Well done.
Thanks Azzaro
Yup, he was really down in the dumps about having to stay indoors that day.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks MAry Kim. Barney is a real great companion and very photogenic.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Hi Gary thanks for the nice comments. I got the UltimateLightBox kit. The pro pack has the same items plus the Black Box and colored filters. I am sure you are going to love this system. Looking forward to seeing your results.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)