Prints with Borders?

Sorry if I've missed this somewhere else...
Have you guys at smugmug given any consideration to offering prints with borders? I've made a couple of attempts to add borders myself, but the trim tolerance on the printers makes that approach unacceptably inconsistent.:(:
I'm not sure EZprints even sells prints with borders. But, I know that I and others who order prints off my site would like the option of white borders.
What do you think?
Have you guys at smugmug given any consideration to offering prints with borders? I've made a couple of attempts to add borders myself, but the trim tolerance on the printers makes that approach unacceptably inconsistent.:(:
I'm not sure EZprints even sells prints with borders. But, I know that I and others who order prints off my site would like the option of white borders.
What do you think?
Like Marlin said, I tried, and it doesn't work because trimming is inconsistent. Also, some people like borders and some don't. So, it would be nice to give the person buying the print the option and not have to make two different image files.
I am also disappointed that smugmug doesn't offer prints with borders... neither does Mpix. Anyone know where I can find a quality, affordable, online print shop that DOES offer prints with borders?
I love SmugMug but I also love borders! I wish they'd give us the option!
I'm trying to solve the exact same problem. I'm nowhere close to an answer yet either other than making my own prints. See these other two threads I started: one at dpreview and one here at dgrin.
This sure seems like an opportunity for a printer to differntiate and offer something new that solves a problem that there clearly are people looking for.
Incidentally, Costco offers prints with borders, but they still crop the bleed area out of your image before printing it (why, I have no idea) so it defeats the whole purpose for me.
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The short of that was that Andy, via the Smugmug print guarantee, assured me that borders would be preserved by EZ Prints if they were in the file. I never took him up on the offer because every time I've need borders since then, I've been rushed for time and needed to go to Costco.
Having said that, with the print guarantee, you should be able to print borders with confidence on Smugmug, as long as they're included in the file. However, that does not address the issue of providing an option for borders or no borders at purchase time. I'd still like to see that feature as well.