DateTaken - smugmug.images.get
It would greatly help if the smugmug.images.get returned the Date Taken for each image. Currently, the smugmug.images.get method seems to return only the Date Uploaded and the Date Last Updated, but not the Date Taken.
I know there is a separate API method for obtaining the EXIF which would include the Date Taken, but this would mean making a separate API call for each image. That API call also includes all of the additional EXIF fields that would add a lot of overhead if all you need is the Date Taken.
The reason why I would like to have Date Taken returned is for the following:
It would greatly help if the smugmug.images.get returned the Date Taken for each image. Currently, the smugmug.images.get method seems to return only the Date Uploaded and the Date Last Updated, but not the Date Taken.
I know there is a separate API method for obtaining the EXIF which would include the Date Taken, but this would mean making a separate API call for each image. That API call also includes all of the additional EXIF fields that would add a lot of overhead if all you need is the Date Taken.
The reason why I would like to have Date Taken returned is for the following:
Among other things, the desktop application I am developing allows for browsing your SmugMug albums. As part of this, it locally indexes the user's albums to allow you to filter your images by various fields including date, keyword, etc.
Also, I am currently implementing a local caching system in my application utilizing the LastUpdated parameter in 1.2.2. Since my app is caching the album info (rather than obtaining the full image list each time from the API to determine image order), if a gallery is set to sort by Date Taken, it must maintain that field in the cache to be able to sort by that field so the images are displayed in the correct order.
Thanks. Also, I am currently implementing a local caching system in my application utilizing the LastUpdated parameter in 1.2.2. Since my app is caching the album info (rather than obtaining the full image list each time from the API to determine image order), if a gallery is set to sort by Date Taken, it must maintain that field in the cache to be able to sort by that field so the images are displayed in the correct order.
I'm take a look, I can't promise anything. Returning that info is going to require an extra trip to the db (or memcache). I'll see if I can wire up something with the Extras parameter to pull out any exif that people might want.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I've only needed this feature once due to dupe names in the same gallery, but I'm sure others may find it handy. I never reset my camera filenames so they're always unique.
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Having it available through the Extras parameter would be perfect. Hope this looks like it can be done. Thanks.
Anything new on this? I'm really hoping this can be done.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
you can get all exif for images by adding &Extras=EXIF to the call.
or get specific exif values by specifying them... &Extras=EXIFDateTime,EXIFDateTimeOriginal
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
That is awesome. This is going to be very useful. Thanks.