Auto login assistance please
I'm new here so if this has been answered before, forgive me I just haven't been able to locate the answer.
On my current website I capture login and email info, I want to be able to pass this info over to smugmug and auto login a client with out having them login twice. Currently I capture firstname, lastname, email addy, and password - I can write this to my database for tracking and marketing. Is there a way to use the same password and log someone into smugmug after I have completed writing the data to my database?
On my current website I capture login and email info, I want to be able to pass this info over to smugmug and auto login a client with out having them login twice. Currently I capture firstname, lastname, email addy, and password - I can write this to my database for tracking and marketing. Is there a way to use the same password and log someone into smugmug after I have completed writing the data to my database?
SM does NOT recommend stroring the password. But there is a way around.
Once you login you'll get the hash back. You can store and reuse this hash as long as it's valid. Once it's become invalid you'll simply request password again, obtain new hash, store it, etc.