scandics in keywords

Scandics (ä - ö - ø - å - æ) seem to be accepted in text but if you have them in keywords, they simply don't show. So Andøy (a place in Norway) or Pöytäniemi (my last name) they show as Andy and Pytniemi. Pretty annoying in a country where these letters are a must for words to be understandable. By the way these are used in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark) but also in quite a few other languages f.ex. German.
Is there any chance this could be fixed?
Is there any chance this could be fixed?
There's already a thread on this issue,
It's not broken to fix - it never was part of keywords. But, we've heard you and others on this and have built this internally, and are testing it - we definitely plan on having utf8 keywords, so just hang in there, please - no, I can't give a date, sorry. You'll want to subscribe to our Release Notes blog, so that you don't miss a single update from SmugMug
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It would be absolutely fantastic if you get those utf8 keywords up and running in here. I was aware that ä, ö and such do not work as a keyword, but why not numbers either? That should not be related utf8, right?
I kind of like this idea to use these virtual folders or what ever they were called by using keywords. That actually is quite cool feature. But for some reason if I add number to the keyword, like if I try keyword historic grand race 2009, that year 2009 is gone when I save keyword. That is quite annoying, when numbers indeed matters. So if event has same name in different years (and it is surprising how often they do…
Same thing when you try to use something like radalle_2009-07. Both _ and – are gone. Ok, those are not so big problem with the numbers, but nevertheless would help make keywords sometimes more readable. Maybe my last example is not very good, but should explain what I mean.
Don’t I just know how to do it, or is there some special reason why numbers will not work either?
"2008 nap of the year"
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I don't know what I did then, but it works just fine now