Photoshop color help

I am using the trial version of CS4 extended and from time to time, photos in lightroom look radically different than what I see in CS4.
Could someone tell me why this is and what I need to do to fix this problem? in CS4, the whites look grey for example and I can't bring them back up to grey no matter what I do. My monitor is calibrated and colors in LR look correct when printed say, via, or even at home.
Could someone tell me why this is and what I need to do to fix this problem? in CS4, the whites look grey for example and I can't bring them back up to grey no matter what I do. My monitor is calibrated and colors in LR look correct when printed say, via, or even at home.
Images in LR and CS4 should look the same, as they are both color aware programs. I can see no difference between my fines in CS4 and in LR2.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I have two monitors, and they are different, so they both have different calibration profiles.
For some reason, especially if I accidentally drag a photo or anything from my primary 22" to my auxillary 19", then CS4 takes on the profile of the second monitor, and stuff on my primary looks like crap.
My solution was to disable the secondary monitor.
Now, the downside to this is that LR2 has no trouble with this, and I love go have the grid and development modules on the 22" and the loupe view on the 19" So this is a huge inconvience to me.
Is there another solution to force CS4 to either ignore the second monitor all together, or whatever it needs to do so it doens't affect the proper color profile on the primary?
I went into the display properties, and loaded the primary monitors color profile into the secondary monitor. So, while the color may be off, I still retain full functionalty, and do color edits on the primary anyway. So its a tradeoff I can live with.