So that's a picture through a magnifier? Neat idea (cheaper than buying a macro lens!!!) Like the way the magnifier frames it and adds to the image. The pod itself looks like a piece of jewelry, a star with the chain coming off from it.
So that's a picture through a magnifier? Neat idea (cheaper than buying a macro lens!!!) Like the way the magnifier frames it and adds to the image. The pod itself looks like a piece of jewelry, a star with the chain coming off from it.
Yes, a picture through a magnifer Didn't even clean off the glass since I wanted to take it "as is". Never would be able to master a macro lens since I hear you need the right lightening, etc. My lighting was a --- flashlight and my background was a piece of cardstock
The star thing is kind of neat as it sits behind the pod, but sometimes it falls off over the pod. My deck is full of stars and pods.
Wow Mary had me fooled! I thought the background was concrete, and that the round object was a concrete bowl sitting on the driveway or patio. As for the star shaped objects, I've got several dozen maples on my property dropping lots of pods and have never noticed any that were star shaped but I'll be watching for them now.
Wow Mary had me fooled! I thought the background was concrete, and that the round object was a concrete bowl sitting on the driveway or patio. As for the star shaped objects, I've got several dozen maples on my property dropping lots of pods and have never noticed any that were star shaped but I'll be watching for them now.
Your right -- the background does look like concrete.
Check your Maples out -- this one drops these little stars all over. What is really kind of cool is that the stem of the pod actually bends off the spine of the leaf. I'm sure spine is the wrong word. During the winter it drops stars too, but only smaller with no holes. Not a clue how it does that
Very creative Mary Kim. thumb Well done.
I love it
How'd you pull of the lighting? Is the lens standing verticle?
Thank-you DaddyO
The lighting was just an old flashlight that my son was holding for me. Amazing what kind of lighting you can get from just a plain old flashlight. It could of been set down on some books or even the table. I was holding the magnifier vertically. Its an old one that swings out of a leather case. So I just held onto the leather case. Only thing steady was the camera on the tripod One thing I did need to be careful of the lighting since it can really blow out behind the magnifier which doesn't help the eyes when looking through the camera.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited August 19, 2009
Hi Mary Kim,
You're bring really very inventive here. I would tell you, though, not to be intimidated at the thought of using a macro lens. The basics of photography are the same....these type lenses are just specialized tools that do what they do better than any other alternative approach. Trust me, using these lenses is a walk in the park and, once you get one, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks for telling how you approached your picture. A flashlight is a great
idea. I have used them in the past to illuminate various things. Like flowers
in shadow for instance where flash just isn't going to cut it. I have a
Schott-Fostec microscope illumination device with several different fiber optic
light pipes purchased on ebay to light things in a variety of ways. Another
cool tool. Michael
You're bring really very inventive here. I would tell you, though, not to be intimidated at the thought of using a macro lens. The basics of photography are the same....these type lenses are just specialized tools that do what they do better than any other alternative approach. Trust me, using these lenses is a walk in the park and, once you get one, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
I keep telling myself I'm not going to do macro, but in my heart I would love to as I know my photos would be sooooo much better.
Thanks for telling how you approached your picture. A flashlight is a great
idea. I have used them in the past to illuminate various things. Like flowers
in shadow for instance where flash just isn't going to cut it. I have a
Schott-Fostec microscope illumination device with several different fiber optic
light pipes purchased on ebay to light things in a variety of ways. Another
cool tool. Michael
The leaf came out fairly well too.
Your welcome...I don't mind sharing how I do things. I call it the cheap way of getting light, but it works for the most part. I used a flashlight for my frozen bubbles too that I took at night. If anyone hasn't seen those its here on my website.
As for the full leaf..not the best one, but I have more here that are somewhat better. I was really trying to illuminate the cocoon on the leaf.
Schott-Fostec microscope??? I'm going to have to look that up. Sounds neat.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thank you -- I've had to be creative this summer as I'm staying home with an older dog.
Yes, a picture through a magnifer
The star thing is kind of neat as it sits behind the pod, but sometimes it falls off over the pod. My deck is full of stars and pods.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Your right -- the background does look like concrete.
Check your Maples out -- this one drops these little stars all over. What is really kind of cool is that the stem of the pod actually bends off the spine of the leaf. I'm sure spine is the wrong word. During the winter it drops stars too, but only smaller with no holes. Not a clue how it does that
Thanks for commenting Jack
I love it
How'd you pull of the lighting? Is the lens standing verticle?
Thanks Azzaro -- It's something to play around with when I'm bored
Thank-you DaddyO
The lighting was just an old flashlight that my son was holding for me. Amazing what kind of lighting you can get from just a plain old flashlight. It could of been set down on some books or even the table. I was holding the magnifier vertically. Its an old one that swings out of a leather case. So I just held onto the leather case. Only thing steady was the camera on the tripod
I did this one with a flashlight too:
Used my 24-105 lens -- I love that lens
You're bring really very inventive here. I would tell you, though, not to be intimidated at the thought of using a macro lens. The basics of photography are the same....these type lenses are just specialized tools that do what they do better than any other alternative approach. Trust me, using these lenses is a walk in the park and, once you get one, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
idea. I have used them in the past to illuminate various things. Like flowers
in shadow for instance where flash just isn't going to cut it. I have a
Schott-Fostec microscope illumination device with several different fiber optic
light pipes purchased on ebay to light things in a variety of ways. Another
cool tool.
The leaf came out fairly well too.
I keep telling myself I'm not going to do macro, but in my heart I would love to as I know my photos would be sooooo much better.
Your welcome...I don't mind sharing how I do things. I call it the cheap way of getting light, but it works for the most part. I used a flashlight for my frozen bubbles too that I took at night. If anyone hasn't seen those its here on my website.
As for the full leaf..not the best one, but I have more here that are somewhat better. I was really trying to illuminate the cocoon on the leaf.
Schott-Fostec microscope??? I'm going to have to look that up. Sounds neat.