Need help from a Mac User...

Hi Everyone:
I am a windows I am not familiar with Mac
Problem: I usually allow my Musicians to have free medium size downloads, I include instructions in an email about how to download the photos...WELL a few of my musicans have Macs and they can't get the photo/file??
How do they download a photo from my smugmug gallery if they are using a MAC??
Thanks for your help
Donna P.
I am a windows I am not familiar with Mac
Problem: I usually allow my Musicians to have free medium size downloads, I include instructions in an email about how to download the photos...WELL a few of my musicans have Macs and they can't get the photo/file??
How do they download a photo from my smugmug gallery if they are using a MAC??
Thanks for your help
Donna P.
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
I usually instruct (window users) to:
Click on large thumbnail (right side) photo opens in a new window, select the viewing size (upper top of photo) I suggest Lge or Xlge (good for websites) when photo resizes, do a right click on the resized photo and select "Save Picture As" to your computer, Follow these instructions for all photos you need for your page.
Thanks for your help Corbosman
Donna P.
Donna tell your Mac users to follow the same instructions but instead of a "Right Click" do a "Control + Mouse Click" this is better instruction for Mac users as they may only have a single button mouse.
Right Click works on a Mac as well with generic Mice :-) or something like the Mighty Mouse. If they are on a Mac with a "regular" mouse they should have no problem doing a right click and saving to their computer.
Jay S.
Jay what you say is true, and I didn't mention it so as to make it simple for Donna to explain for both PC and Mac users in the same EMail and not confuse the recipient of the EMail. Also the newer Mac Notebooks you can do a Right Click as well, sometimes the KISS rule or what works for all is the best approach.