BayPhoto & EzPrint versus Shutterfly/Others?

So this is due to my lack of print experience. I often hear from some photogs that Smugmug vendor print quality is better than most. Is this really true? Is so, how do I reflect this to a customer when told the statement
"Shutterfly has pretty good print quality as well"...
Thanks for the help.
"Shutterfly has pretty good print quality as well"...
Thanks for the help.
Dealing with customers can often be tricky. You don't give much context here for a straightforward reply. But my gut would say, "um, yeah, probably do" ( Have pretty good print quality).
So you're saying you've never bought prints from SM? I use prints to show clients. But bigger than that for me is the service I receive from SM. And anytime a service is passed on, to me it becomes amplified.
SM reviews print/printing services and sends out reports to us showing examples of why they chose someone over another printing service. Sometimes I can see the difference and sometimes it is hard to differentiate.
But it is NEVER hard for me to differentiate the service/ Customer Service I have received from SmugMug! When a customer of mine purchases an item, it is truly a relief to know that the service they will receive, should something go wrong with the order, is well taken care of.
Of all the photos I've shown folks, I've never had one mention anything about having prints from elsewhere. Of course, this is aided by always showing only your best work.
For most situations I wouldn't see any cost difference to the client, but dealing with the best lab you can will allow you to consistently deliver high quality prints the client will be happy with.
Second ask your client if pretty good is good enough.
i have printed from smugmug.. and i have printed from shutterfly. but it hasn't been enough to really define both services.
Rich Mar Photography - Sydney Family Photographer
Rich Mar Photography Blog
The images I have gotten from Bay Photo are so close it is impossible to see any difference. I was using Bay Photo prior to SM offering their service, so it was a big bonus for me personally.
I totally agree with angevin1 about the service at SM. They fix issues when it is their fault, a clients fault, or even my fault. I certainly can't ask for anymore than that.
When I am out of town, I have no reservations whatsoever allowing a client to contact SM directly. Every member of the staff that I have spoken with have been super nice, and if for some reason they don't have an answer, they get one in a reasonable amount of time.
1) The SmugMug Guarantee. Give examples of how SmugMug will back your customer up, even if they made a mistake in their order.
2) Consistency. Tell them that Shutterfly could send you two prints of the same thing and have them look different. While some of their prints may be pretty good, they lack the consistent output that a pro lab (Bay Photo) or even a prosumer lab (EZPrints) provide.
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For instance, one mentions color calibration and calibrating daily, the other one doesn't.
One has an ICC profile for you to download, the other doesn't.
One has a list of all of their top corporate officers listed with names and their own bio, the other doesn't.
One is in the printing business, the other is in the social expression business.
Lastly, the printing processes will always be different because the overall mentality and print ethic is different, meaning it will always matter who wields the controls.
I took the same 5 images (all quite different) and had them printed at various sizes by EzPrints, Wolf Camera, Walmart, Target, CVS, Shutterfly, Sam's, Costco and a few others.
EzPrints nailed 5/5. Costco and Sam's had 4/5 perfect and the other wasn't bad. All the other prints were clearly inferior. Costco allowed me to find out what their printer was and to download a profile for it. I also have done a fair amount of soft-proofing with them. Now they and EzPrints are all I use.
I tell people that the prices are very comparable and, while many printing options can do some pictures well, EZPrints (and Costco) get it right 99% of the time for me and that's why I will only use them.
i need to just order some prints soon..
Rich Mar Photography - Sydney Family Photographer
Rich Mar Photography Blog
EZ is a solid lab, if they weren't the super heroes at Smug wouldn't offer their services to us. SmugMug has our backs. I personally switched from EZ Prints to Bay Photo and use Bay exclusively. Why? *points to the 16x20 ThinWrap on her wall* Working with the available products offered here through Smug and as well as through Bay Photo directly (I love me some BayROES) I'm absolutely giddy over each product. As for customer service? By far the combo is an invincible team. When I have a client say "Oh my gosh I ordered my prints at 7 am and got an email from SmugMug saying they were shipped later that day!!" I'm a happy camper.
I usually explain to customers that the paper quality and color are better through Smugmug's print services, and they've had no problem taking my word for it.