Blank spaces in Control Panel
When I go into my Control Panel - there are no figures showing - just blank spaces.
For instance - under the Stats TAB - Comments > last 24 hours BLANK SPACE.
It is the same for all the TABS News, Settings, Stats, Customize.
It has been like this for at least a month. It is the same on my work computer as it is on my home computer and also on my laptop.
I tried to do a Print Screen and Paste to explain what I mean but didn't work.
Has something changed ?
When I go into my Control Panel - there are no figures showing - just blank spaces.
For instance - under the Stats TAB - Comments > last 24 hours BLANK SPACE.
It is the same for all the TABS News, Settings, Stats, Customize.
It has been like this for at least a month. It is the same on my work computer as it is on my home computer and also on my laptop.
I tried to do a Print Screen and Paste to explain what I mean but didn't work.
Has something changed ?
Can you try clearing your browser's cache?
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The figures are mysteriously there now - even without clearing my cache - that's really weird.
I will keep an eye on it and if it happens again I will try your recommendation.
Thanks for the assistance.