Same dead horse, new beating

My first post!
Been lurking for a while and have read with interest many threads dealing with "people who want photos for cheap or free." Thanks to you all for a lot of good advice when it comes to shooting Uncle Louie's wedding, or doing publicity for the local air show, or finding your pics on a friend's Facebook site...
What are your thoughts specifically on how this relates to TRAVEL?
My husband & I take several trips a year and gasp! occasionally end up on a group tour (though we prefer to go it alone). These travel companions who are strangers at the beginning of the tour usually end up as our mates after many meals together, bottles of wine, and shared experiences.
The problem is, as soon as I pull out my gear (which BTW is nothing flashy) everyone stops messing with their P/S and just assumes that I am their Official Trip Photographer. I do end up taking pics of a lot of the people we travel with (who usually are very willing subjects), but I’m not sure what to do both during & after the trip now that I’ve moved up to being a more serious photographer.
Thoughts? Do you oblige Thurston when he wants you to take a picture of him & Lovey in front of the Eiffel Tower even though the lighting is bad? How do you handle the conversation, “Hey everyone! Let’s all post our pictures on [photosharing].com!” Do you “tip” your guide with a nice print when you get home? What do you guys do with requests for CDs or emails of photos from fellow travelers?
Been lurking for a while and have read with interest many threads dealing with "people who want photos for cheap or free." Thanks to you all for a lot of good advice when it comes to shooting Uncle Louie's wedding, or doing publicity for the local air show, or finding your pics on a friend's Facebook site...
What are your thoughts specifically on how this relates to TRAVEL?
My husband & I take several trips a year and gasp! occasionally end up on a group tour (though we prefer to go it alone). These travel companions who are strangers at the beginning of the tour usually end up as our mates after many meals together, bottles of wine, and shared experiences.
The problem is, as soon as I pull out my gear (which BTW is nothing flashy) everyone stops messing with their P/S and just assumes that I am their Official Trip Photographer. I do end up taking pics of a lot of the people we travel with (who usually are very willing subjects), but I’m not sure what to do both during & after the trip now that I’ve moved up to being a more serious photographer.
Thoughts? Do you oblige Thurston when he wants you to take a picture of him & Lovey in front of the Eiffel Tower even though the lighting is bad? How do you handle the conversation, “Hey everyone! Let’s all post our pictures on [photosharing].com!” Do you “tip” your guide with a nice print when you get home? What do you guys do with requests for CDs or emails of photos from fellow travelers?
Canon 5D Mark II | Canon Rebel XTi | 24-105mm f/4L | 50mm f/1.4
iMac 3.06 GHz | Aperture
iMac 3.06 GHz | Aperture
As to sharing photos afterwards you have a couple choices:
1) just upload files res'd for small web use - say 400 pixels long. People aren't going to be printing 8x10s with that file.
2) post un-edited photos
3) don't include any photo which you could imagine being hung on a wall
2 & 3 require that you check your ego. Some people like the idea of others marveling at their photos and will want their best stuff on display.
Most people just want to look at the photos and share memories. Using their digicam on auto reduces the quality of the photo you're taking. And again, simply do the general tourist type shot without creative composition (remember if you don't let your ego into it you don't have to worry about them thinking - wow, anyone could have taken that shot). And with small, unedited photos posted on that share site you dont have to worry aout someone getting free 11x14 wall art.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
The MoxieBlog
Are these friends or clients?
If you are friends, then by all means have fun with them and share your photos!!
No. My response is that if you want to post my pictures somewhere, you can buy them first.
Yea. Bring fill flash and realize that when it comes to travel photos, people don't really care about the aesthetics as much as they would for a set portrait session.
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My husband & I do international medical missions work too, and I love the suggestion to donate any profits back to the local area.
To paraphrase a quote from another post, "with great equipment comes great responsibility."
iMac 3.06 GHz | Aperture
Or more accurately, "With great talent comes great responsibility"!