More Selective Focus - A "Ranch" Theme

Something for my friends Azzaro and rwells!!
1. Original image, with selective focus processing

2. And a composite with B&W conversion
1. Original image, with selective focus processing

2. And a composite with B&W conversion

I'm not a fan of selective focus so #1 one doesn't do it for me. However #2 is really very well done and I like it A LOT!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
I like your thinkin' here
One small suggestion: Loose the empty space on the right. It's not adding anything to your image.
Randy - I tried cropping out the right side when I processed this one but couldn't decide if the space helped set off the fence post or if it did nothing. I'll try your crop and re-post for you.
Caroline - I'm not sure exactly what you mean about #2. Are you suggesting more of a feathered transition from the sharper focused area to the start of the overlay? I assume that's what you mean. I did change brush opacities many times, trying to get a nice fade on the wire, but I guess I didn't quite get there. Are you looking for more of the background in focus (around the wire blob) or for more of the wire to be softer?
Thanks all!
Lauren Blackwell
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Is this what ya'll had in mind for a crop?
Lauren Blackwell
Just kidding... Yeah, this works much better for me. YMMV
BTW, those are Colorado cows in the composite. In this drought, I think ours are all too skinny!
Lauren Blackwell
I appreciate the special treatment, an image all for me
Yeah, Colorado was blessed this year with good snowfall & rain. I haven't' seen it that green this time of year, in several years.