Can't edit bio on front page!

This is terrible! I frequently insert html into my bio on the front page to keep readers up to date. Now, this morning the 'edit bio' link is missing! (Firefox and SeaMonkey).
Now what? :dunno
Now what? :dunno
I've had a look, and I'm seeing the Bio - Edit link on your homepage. First, be sure that you're logged in. Are you seeing your 'Add Photos' button, etc.? If you're not, it might be because you logged in via your custom domain URL. Be sure to hold down shift and click the Refresh button on your brower to update your logged in status for the custom domain.
You can also edit your bio by logging in, then visiting your Control Panel>Customization tab. You'll see a link there to edit your bio.
Let us know if you still have trouble.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
I see. It's been moved to 'control panel'. Whew!
It's not just him. This happened to me too today. It think it's your stylesheet. I used FF web developer and disabled your CSS. If I disable this css:
The edit bio bar comes back. I could not do anything you suggested to make it come back.
The only solution for me was to hack and add this rule to my
custom .css:
/* HACK: homepage bio box Edit controls are not supposed to be hidden, but are */
#bioBox .boxTop {
display: block;
This is killing me. Now the words "Your Bio" are showing on my home page
in ugly clashing green. I am now working feverishly on
another css hack to hide that (except I want the "Edit Bio"
link to show when I am logged in.
Notice also on my homepage that the gold border on my box is
MISSING on top of the box where these links would be (but
the gold box is present on every other box in my site).
Something just changed recently. I really don't think this is us.
PS: Disabling your .css above also brings back the top border to my box.
PPS: I found the problem code in your stylesheet causing my top border to not show. You have it set to do so explicity with your rule for:
#bioBox .boxBottom (line 865). This turns off top border.
Notice also that the file name of your style sheet above (smugmugBlack-20090821220607-stretch.css) has a date in it (20090821 = 8/21/2009 which is yesterday indicating this was just updated yesterday). That is when this broken for me.