Toolbar missing since today's maintenance

Since coming up with the "Nicenames" feature upgrade about an hour ago, the 'logged in toolbar' (I don't know its official name) now only appears on the Home Page and not for the individual galleries. So, for example, I cannot delete pictures from galleries. Please Fix.
It all worked as usual 18 hours ago.
[I have three duplicate pictures because the Java uploader reported a 'read timeout' error so I repeated the upload and they are now there twice]
It all worked as usual 18 hours ago.
[I have three duplicate pictures because the Java uploader reported a 'read timeout' error so I repeated the upload and they are now there twice]
Jerry in Vienna
#breadcrumb {display:none;}
.loggedIn #breadcrumb {display:block;}
There is not a class name loggedIn to use currently, they are looking into
it. Seems notLoggedIn is there both logged in and out.
body class viewing with WebDEv
body .smugmug smugmug_ajax galleryPage gallery_7988135 tempClass category_Landscapes notLoggedIn bodyColor_Black
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the above class name snafu. Anyone that is missing things on their page when
logged in don't panic, they are looking into fixen' it.
So anywhere in your CSS that is using .loggedIn class name is not working correctly.
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I came in to report that my Share button was missing and see you have already commented on it. I checked all my galleries and it's gone. All of them still have the Share option checked. I guess I'll have to wait. I was about to post a bunch of links today but without it it's a pain.
Nikon D700, D300, D80 and assorted glass, old and new.
was broken, we fixed it. All better?
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Yes indeed. It was fixed. Thanks!
Nikon D700, D300, D80 and assorted glass, old and new.
I think this may be related to the loggedin/notloggedin classes and the work to fix them, so I'll post this here.
When I log in, it takes me back to the gallery as normal, but doesn't indicate as being loggedin. I have to click on login again. It doesn't ask for login information again, and goes back the gallery, this time being correctly logged in. It's similar to the issue how we all had to log in twice years ago.
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