Smugmug's Print service??

Does Smugmug, do all our printing or someone else?
What I really want to know is if there are package deals available for members. I have been asked to set up a booth with my shots (prints, postcards,merchandise...) for a few local events and I would need to order a lot. I would also like to order a box or two of postcards but at 1.99 a pop, I don't see making much of a profit.
What I really want to know is if there are package deals available for members. I have been asked to set up a booth with my shots (prints, postcards,merchandise...) for a few local events and I would need to order a lot. I would also like to order a box or two of postcards but at 1.99 a pop, I don't see making much of a profit.
Hi Mark
We print through two different labs if you're a pro: . Just EZ Prints if you are Power or Standard.
If you are looking at ordering in really large quantities, shoot an email to our help desk ATTN: Anne and let me know estimate quantities and which products. I may be able to help you out there.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks Anne,
I am a pro user. So am I correct that I can't go through my Smugmug interface on my site to get bulk pricing? IE: 500 post cards for xxx$$$... Do I have to directly to one of the above mentioned sites to get the package deal?
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