New Release - Issues thread

Hi folks, this morning, we released NiceNames.
A few things got busted and we'll fix 'em - today I hope - and I beg your patience while we get to them. This thread will be to assure you we know that of the issue and we're working it.
New List Sunday Aug 23
1. FB Connect needs attention.
A few things got busted and we'll fix 'em - today I hope - and I beg your patience while we get to them. This thread will be to assure you we know that of the issue and we're working it.
New List Sunday Aug 23
1. FB Connect needs attention.
When in a gallery I can not use the edit link to change a gallery description. Once edited it will not save the changes. You have to go into customize gallery, makes changes and save them there.
And I'm never sure if it is the wonderful service I get from Charter, but the site is very very slow. Taking 4 -7 seconds to load any page. Could be on my end, but I can tell you it is not a good day to be slow.....
Don't see my issue listed. I am trying to create a gallery and the system keeps telling me I have invalid characters, but as this screenshot shows, there aren't any.
Hope the Wizards are working their magic to resolve this ASAP.
My galleries:
My Blog:
Well, I thought I was going nuts! I noticed something off and started to hack at it and no matter what I try, nothing works...
But I have it down to JavaScript and combined with your post here, it makes me feel better that it is not me who is crazy. I mean, I touched NOTHING ..
If it helps, here is what's broken for me:
The above code combined with other JavaScript in my TOP JavaScript (will post below) lets me HIDE certain categories from my Galleries page. Specifically my Families category will not place links/icons in the Galleries page unless I am logged in.
Here is the code in my JavaScript
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You think so? I am having trouble while logged out... meaning notLoggedIn which should work as things may be broken when logged in.
My point specifically is that the JavaScript is testing for URL component and it seems that it is not finding the URL to filter on...
Whether I am logged in or out I see ALL my galleries displayed in the Galleries link.
Thank you
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I'm getting a 404 ERROR whenever I click on any of my galleries. Is this an issue that is being looked at?
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Try changing this line:
re = /href="\/(Family|Friends|Other|Photography|Private)"/;
to this:
re = /href="\/(Family|Friends|Other|Photography|Private)"/m;
I'm not sure the "m" multi-line flag is universal in all browsers. For that reason, I do this differently.
I fetch the innerHTML into a local string and then replace all newlines with a space and then execute the search.
var localStr = oList.innerHTML;
localStr.replace(/\n/g, " "); // get rid of all newlines
if (re.test(localStr))
Also, you might want to make sure this works in IE and Safari because both IE and Safari do not preserve the innerHTML exactly as it was in the page and IE sometimes strips out the quote marks which can sometimes goof you up if you're trying to match on what you think will be there.
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Sample: When I click to this link:
and then click on a gallery it goes to a 404 ERROR page. I see that smugmug is no longer a part of the link string which it is up until I click on a gallery.
Fixed? Your cname for is not set up right, I removed it from your SmugMug control panel. It needs to be set to cname to - please write our Support Heroes ATTN: DOC if you want us to fix your domain name for you on y our domain host, thanks.
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Well I'm sure this is frustrating on your end, Andy. I do find myself wondering how so many things could get busted at once, though.
Do you need beta testers? I'm sure there are plenty of us willing to help with that to prevent this in the future!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
ALL of these should be fixed. Thanks!
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Sorry about that.
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Yes I would like it fixed and will contact support as you suggested.
Everything was working fine until the 'nice names' release.
Thanks for your help.
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John, I truly appreciate your help. I tried your first suggestion but it did not work.
I have my code exactly as it has been for months so something definitely changed because it is now pretty bad :-( Also tried your second suggestion with mixed and equally poor results ... <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
The way it worked before it broke, and the way I'd like it to work is:
No galleries, just clean Slideshow Banner and Nav
Display all galleries EXCEPT those contained in particular categories. Goal was to have both a Commercial site with a Family site but hide one from the other. The code would strip all references to Family, Private, etc. and only show Customers etc. Right now ALL galleries show
Same as visitors: No Galleries just clean
Galleries Link
Show EVERYTHING for me :-)
Here is my code for the various parts. Not sure where it is broken as I have made every attempt to fix it with disastrous results. So I have put it back the way it was before today's site outage:
CSS (only relevant piece)
Top JavaScript (only relevant portions)
The above USED to test for the presence of Family or Private Friends etc., basically whatever I did not want to show up and not show it on the /Galleries link but allow all else to show through
If I was logged in, it gets ignored and shows all galleries. Indeed right now ALL galleries show through all the time <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
And almost forgot, my custom footer code is below (again, relevant code)
Thanks for your insight. Hopefully you or someone else can pinpoint what I am doing wrong!
First off, this is a great release & perfectly timed for me as I was having a bit of trouble setting up my vanity URLs, so thanks SM.
1. My 3 unlisted galleries - welcome, guestbook & contact - do not show the nicknames. I've gone in to customize them (though the proper assigned nickname was already there) & resaved the nicknames. For a minute it will show that nickname while logged in. I then checked vistor's view & there's no nickname. When I go back to my logged in view, the nickname has disappeared. How to overcome this for these galleries?
2. Throughout my site, all URLs show/start with, except for my two galleries under "Awards" which properly show though the "Awards" category itself shows rusu.smugmug. How can I get all of my pages to have the URL start with such as this:
Thanks for your help & congrats again SM on this great new feature.
your other issue is due to the fact you've hard-coded those urls in your navbar code. Just use relative urls - you don't need or infront - just use /everthingelseaftertheslash
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The URLs are going back to because that's what you put in your navbar.
Change your navbar to this and it will stay on whatever domain you enter on:
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So, if someone enters thru rusu.smugmug, it maintains that url intro & vice versa if they enter thru rusuphtography - got it! Thanks, John.
BTW, forgot to also thank you for the fact that nicknames can use/recgonize foreign language characters - VERY nice & very much appreciated. Great work! Thanks for covering all the bases!
Hi Andy
Not sure if this is related but when I try to go onto my site I get an invalid URL message (attached, showing URL address). And when I try to log on through SM I get a message saying the connection is untrusted and the site's identify can't be verified. Everything was working fine about 5-6 hours ago?
cheers (and thank's for your patience!)
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