Order help
Hello all. A customer placed an order on my site entered her credit card info and received a confirmation number from smugmug. I haVe the album she ordered from set to 4 proof days. She placed the order yesterday but I have not received anything from smgmug asking me to do anything to th proofs. Their is also nothin in my control panel about an order being placed. Please help
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I guess that would help. Order#1135569
Hudson Valley Wedding Photographer
Hudson Valley Photography Blog
Sorry, but you have no Pro Pricing set for the gallery the customer ordered from.
If you don't have Pro Pricing in place, the Proof Delay does not take effect.
"On orders that don't make a profit (orders placed when you are logged in or in galleries with no image pricing in place) the order does not appear in sales details and cannot be modified. Therefore, we send these orders straight to process and print, even if proof-delay is set for the gallery."
So the first thing to do is set your Pro Pricing:
The easiest thing to do is set your Portfolio level pricing, as this covers everything. Make sure as you set your prices that every box is filled, don't leave anything blank. Blank pricing means those items are available at cost. If there are products you don't want to sell, set those prices to zero.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Support Hero
Is their a way to cancel the order?
Hudson Valley Wedding Photographer
Hudson Valley Photography Blog
Order 1135569 is already in production at the lab. We could try to contact them to cancel it, but they won't be open until Monday morning. So it's not likely that we can cancel the order before it's too late.
If you do want us to try to cancel, let us know. Email our help desk: