Female King Parrot

Yesterday we were driving around running errands and we stopped next to a house that had huge trees in the yard. It was lightly raining and I had the camera in the car thinking 'if only there was something to take photos of while I'm sitting here bored silly'. I looked up at the tree and there she was, just having a rest.

I knew the male would be close by, as they always travel in pairs,and he was. But I couldn't get any good shots of him as he was behind branches and the low light was not helping. They all came out blurry which is a pity as he is so handsome.
Oh well, practice practice practice!

I knew the male would be close by, as they always travel in pairs,and he was. But I couldn't get any good shots of him as he was behind branches and the low light was not helping. They all came out blurry which is a pity as he is so handsome.
Oh well, practice practice practice!
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
I do like your bird! A king parrot?? and that is the female, she is quite lovely. Good way to "kill" time.
Thanks for sharing.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso