
#31 C&c

bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
edited August 23, 2009 in The Dgrin Challenges
C&C please.

I was thinking the title would be something like "Closed to Production". Ideas on a title? I still have a little masking to do around the tree line (there was a black chainlink fence and some cranes around the site that I had to take out.)



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    WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    I like it. How about 'Mothballed' for a title?
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    I have a question first.

    Is this a composite entry?

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    leaforteleaforte Registered Users Posts: 1,948 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    I have a question first.

    Is this a composite entry?

    Times two.
    Growing with Dgrin

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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Nope. Single shot.
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Ok, I was wondering because of the tree line.. there is something there that I cannot put my finger one..headscratch.gif help..

    The only thing that bothers me is the "wow" in it.. it looks like it is dipping down in the middle.. why? is it the lens?

    I would take it into PS and use the lens distortion tool to fix that..

    But then I am thinking maybe it is an optical illusion from the hill?

    I think you need to sharpen the metal up and give it some punch...

    I can see what you are shooting for as far as theme here...

    I also wanted to point out the pink fringing in the sky, did you notice that?

    Sorry for all of the questions... headscratch.gifscratchheadscratch.gif

    oh yeah.. and where on earth have you been lately? Have not seen ya around Brian :D

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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    It's an HDR. As you can see below, I had to mask out some things which I haven't finished yet. The tree line is one of the things I still need to work on. I see what you're talking about with the sky. I'll try to fix that. I think the sinking might be an optical illusion, but I'll play around with the lense distortion some and see.

    I've been busy getting my climbing in while the weather out here is good.

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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    I bet you have been having fun too :D any new shots from that?

    ok,, I see now what is going on.. wow dude.. that is a lot of work!!!

    I think the color of the building is better in this original.. too much green cast on the metal in the edited one.. and I would keep the blue sky in the original too, me no likey the purple sky :D and I think it is this purple that is causing the fringing.

    I will keep my eye on the board tomorrow in case you post again.

    Good Luck Brian; and Nice to See You Around Again..thumb.gif

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    leaforteleaforte Registered Users Posts: 1,948 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Very surreal, effective look. Good eye.
    Growing with Dgrin

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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Ok. I basically re-did the entire PP. Soooo....

    Here is the rework: (Does it even fit the theme?) Title??


    And for those that like the side by sides:


    I kept the original (which still needs work) just because it has a "different" feel to it; "surreal" as leaforte pointed out. (BTW - This is Gasworks Park in Seattle. It's an old refinery pretty much in the middle of the city.)
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    adbsgicomadbsgicom Registered Users Posts: 3,615 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    When I looked at this, it looked like the machine was planting trees behind it -- some sort of bizzare machine from a Hayao Miyazaki film. On that front thumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif

    I'm not sure it says closed per-se. But you could call it something like 'end of the line' to convey its closure and play up the way it blends so perfectly into the tree line.
    - Andrew

    Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    adbsgicom wrote:
    When I looked at this, it looked like the machine was planting trees behind it -- some sort of bizzare machine from a Hayao Miyazaki film. On that front thumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif

    I'm not sure it says closed per-se. But you could call it something like 'end of the line' to convey its closure and play up the way it blends so perfectly into the tree line.


    Too funny.. I agree.. I knew it reminded me of something familiar yet out of place.... Hayao Miyazaki !!!15524779-Ti.gif

    Brian the edit looks much better. I am not seeing the fringing in the sky anymore and I think the metal looks much better without the green cast..

    As far as strong on theme, well, without the title you gave it, I did not see how it fit the theme, so I think that if you're going to use it, then the title is going to be very important...thumb.gif

    You asked about if it fit the theme ok, so does that mean you have other shots for this theme too? headscratch.gif

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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    No. I haven't really had time lately to come up with anything else.
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Well sometimes, you gotta just go with what you have had time to shoot..

    I am just happy your back in the game..rolleyes1.gif

    SO, I think it is down to the title on this one.. Any ideas?
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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Not sure. "End of the Line", "Mothballed". How about "Closing a Can of Worms". rolleyes1.gif "Closed for Cleanup"?
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    hmmm...that is tough Brian.. I want to think metal graveyard or something like that, but it looks like it is sitting in paradise rather than an abandoned graveyard..headscratch.gif

    End of the line is great..thumb.gifthumbthumb.gif

    I don't understand the mothballed one..headscratch.gif

    or how about Abandoned Giant.. or use the word forgotten or something like that.. something to make it feel forgotten or abandoned helps to drive home the point of "closed"

    The more I think on End of the Line.. the more I like it..thumb.gif
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    WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    I like the rework better. I think the fence in the original says closed to me more than without it. The blue equipment in the original is a distraction, so I'd say good idea to leave that out.

    How about Gasworks Park for a title? That also says closed to me, but maybe just because I am in the Seattle area.
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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Maybe "End of an Era" or "Put Out to Pasture".

    "Sign of the Times"

    This is a hard one.
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    WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Based on the surrounding field, I think Put Out to Pasture is a good one.
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    KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Put out to Pasture is perfect... IMHOthumb.gif
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    bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Thanks all!

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