A Couple of Sunsets in San Antonio

Here are a couple I shot last week. For once, I was out when the light was good.
I tried a 3exp HDR for the first one but there was way too much noise in the darks. There was lots of noise in #2 also but it looks OK at a smaller size. This school bus lot is just down the street so I can easily re-shoot if anyone has suggestions for me.
Speaking of noise, what NR software do ya'll use? I need to invest in some.
1. Tower of the Americas at sunset

2. School bus parking lot

Speaking of noise, what NR software do ya'll use? I need to invest in some.
1. Tower of the Americas at sunset

2. School bus parking lot

I've been using NoisewarePro from imagenomics. You can try a free version that puts a grid on the output to see about results. If you want to send me a full-res version of the tiff (i forget what massive file sharing system I have a seldom-used account on) I could run the tool with the default landscape settings and you could see if you like the results.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Lauren Blackwell