Uploading smaller files
In the interest of a faster loading site for viewers, AND shorter upload times for me, I'm wondering whether there's any advantage in uploading files that are any larger than my maximum display size.
I'm setting up a power site, limiting visitor views to 800 pixels (large) size, and not selling prints directly through SmugMug's vendors. Is there any reason why I should upload anything larger than 800 pixel JPEGs? If a viewer happens to be using a computer with a smaller display that forces him to view in medium size, will SM's downsizing algorithm do a better job from say, an 1100 pixel original, or will it work equally well from an 800 pixel original?
I'm setting up a power site, limiting visitor views to 800 pixels (large) size, and not selling prints directly through SmugMug's vendors. Is there any reason why I should upload anything larger than 800 pixel JPEGs? If a viewer happens to be using a computer with a smaller display that forces him to view in medium size, will SM's downsizing algorithm do a better job from say, an 1100 pixel original, or will it work equally well from an 800 pixel original?
If you are restricting your image display to 800 pixels images, your site speed will be no different whether you upload 12MP images or 1MP images. All the viewer is going to see in either case is the downsized versions of the images.
The reasons to upload larger images are print ordering, displaying larger images, letting people download images that prints can be made from, selling digital versions of images and backup of larger images. If none of these are important to you, then the only reason I know of is that you might get slightly better detail rendering when starting from a larger original (e.g. 4288x2848) that has more detail when making the downsized versions. But, I'm not even sure the difference would be noticeable then and I really doubt the difference between an 800px original vs an 1100px original would make any visible difference.
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I was uploading 1100 pixel originals for the trial run, and they the look good. I think I'm going to try 800 pixel originals now, since I've got plenty of control when I export from Lightroom. It'll also save me a lot of time and bandwidth - I'm on a satellite connection.