Ch 42- Anything Goes...Well then how about
A skateboarder.
First time I ever came across one to shot. He was up the side walk from my house. Did some selective color and brightness contrast (looks a little over blown in parts but I like that, it adds to the feel for me) What do you think? Who knows where to start?
One thing is though, it fits the challenge theme....Hehe.
First time I ever came across one to shot. He was up the side walk from my house. Did some selective color and brightness contrast (looks a little over blown in parts but I like that, it adds to the feel for me) What do you think? Who knows where to start?
One thing is though, it fits the challenge theme....Hehe.
Best regards,
I like how it's not the normal view of a skateboard photo. If you look at the magazines i like their take on it as well. But this gives it a more wholesome feel to me atleast like a very contemporary saturday evening post cover. It's also nice that the intense concentration of his face points the eyes down to the board where the "action" is taking place. I like it.
The selective color detracts with where you have it. Why is that lettering important to the photo. Why are you trying to get us to look at the lettering. I don't see any relevance to the lettering and what you are trying to show. Just my opinion, but selective color should help guide the viewer to something you want pointed out, otherwise it just distracts.
It's a bit soft but a good capture none-the-least.
Nice shot,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
I guess when I was looking at him and taking pictures as he skated I was thinking about the shirt. It reminded me of all the pictures in magazines where they try to sell products. And I was thinking that this could be made into one of those product shots. In a way it is a commerical shot. I was trying to advertise the brand name. This is the name you wear when you skate. Also I like it when guys wear things that are pink. Breaking the model.
So, it was my impression of a magazine add. *shrugs*
Thanks for your comments everyone.