Panoramic posting how to do it?

tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
edited February 10, 2010 in Technique
So, I'm having ablast emperimenting with spherical panoramas in flash format. My question is, is there a good place online to display my panoramas? They are huge file zises, normally over 15 megs. Is there a way that it will basically stream the needed data to an online user, this way they won't have to download the entire file at once? Can I post them on smugmug and have them work?

What is the recomendation from you pros out there! I'm interested unltimately in using this for some realestate, so something along those lines is great.


  • tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2009
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited August 26, 2009
    If you plan to do this as a service for real estate agents, you would probably want to see what their individual web sites support. It's possible that a single solution would not suffice.

    If you plan to host your own site, you can choose to create a complicated and linked environment with hot spots and such, or you can go simple. Either way, I suggest that a Java driven site will give you some flexibility and compatibility across user platforms (Win, Mac, Linux and Unix).

    If you want to build something simply there are web publishing softwares available and there are web sites that specialize in hosting panoramic images and associated code.

    Sorry, I don't have any first-hand experience doing any of it.

    Suggested Google search phrases:

    spherical panorama hosting java

    spherical panorama publishing

    spherical panorama virtual
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited September 16, 2009
    I'm still stuck on this. I've searched and searched and searched, found nothing!

  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited September 16, 2009
    You haven't told us enough about your plan.

    Are you planning to host your own site? If so will you do your own setup and coding?

    Are you planning to sell to real estate offices that already use panorama virtual walk-through of panorama displays? If so, what are they currently using?

    Are you planning to use an existing panorama hosting site and then try to sell linked services through that site?

    Explain in enough detail so that we know enough about your concept and what you have researched and what you decided that you liked and didn't like about what you found.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited September 16, 2009
    Great Questions....

    This is really for just me, but would love the option of maybe selling this service down the road to realitors. Do you have any insight into this?

    My biggest nees of help follows.

    I'm having trouble finding how to post these files. They are enormous. I wouldn't be apposed to using an online service, but I haven't found any of these either. I would love something like smugmug, in how we have galleries that you can click on the photo, and bam, the photo appears. I would love to be able to post panaramas in a gallery, click on them, and then the flash or quicktime plugin takes over to display the 360 panarama.

    I can do basic website development, but really am not interested in doing it again.

    Ziggy, thanks for your help with this!
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited September 16, 2009
    The first Google hit using "spherical panorama publishing" is this link:

    I see this is pretty popular but I haven't used it so I am not recommending it, just noting it.

    It's a free trial so if you like it it will cost around $90 USD to purchase. Since a lot of these packages are in the major hundreds of dollars this one seems reasonable, "if" it works for you. (No guarantees.)

    Now just find a site to host the files. SmugMug is not suitable so a Google search is in order. One hit is:

    Maybe check out the "Web Hosting Buyers Guide" which appears to be a free download.

    It is doubtful that you will find a free host of this service so be prepared to spend some bucks for someone else to host your tours.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • wzqhzscwzqhzsc Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 10, 2010
    You can try It's a free panorama hosting like YouTube.
  • tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2010
    wzqhzsc wrote:
    You can try It's a free panorama hosting like YouTube.

    Ooooohhhhhh, that's perfect!

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