Mac Uploading
Hey, I use OSX 10.1.5 and have to use the all purpose uploader. I can't seem to get the for-Mac uploaders to work. Any step-by-step stuff out there??? Do I need to get Panther?
I don't know about the uploader, but you need to get Panther for a lot of other reasons…hard to believe you're on a pre-Jaguar OSX. Upgrade, it's worth it.
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I would suggest 10.3. It is so much faster than 10.1 it will feel like you got a new computer.
Dave (gallery)
So far, we're aware of lots of features needed, but we haven't been able to isolate a case where it doesn't work, at least to my knowledge.
After I download the aqua application, it unzips properly...then I double-click it to start it up and the computer tells me that "The application smugmug uploader has unexpectedly quit. The system and other applications have not been affected." This is in a pop up.
Here's one:
Allow drag-and-drop of files/folders to the Smugmug application itself, be it in the dock, in an open window, etc.
It's always nice to save clicks.
Here's another: allow a preference to open the uploader in iPhoto mode or Files mode. I always have to switch modes, because I never use iPhoto. More needless clicking.
I'd love to be able to drag files on the application icon to start uploading.
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Also, we're planning to rewrite the Java uploader that works in-browser so that it:
1. Allows unlimited-sized uploads like the Mac uploader,
2. Works across Windows, Linux, and the Mac
To accomplish #2, we have to drop support for OS 9. That's why we have two Java uploaders now, because Java compatibility on OS 9 was awful.
I would also like a way to reset/clear the files selected without quitting the program. It would be great if we could see a list of what was selected instead of x # of files.
A super cool feature would be to allow the creation and customization of a gallery from the uploader. Back to the all in one easier is better way to go. You get home from the track and want to post the days photos, enter the settings, select your files and smugmug does the rest. E-Z.
But even if you're not uploading from iPhoto, just adding "New" to the dropdown of target galleries and then popping up a dialog box that requests a name for the new gallery -- that'd be swell.
I agree, but I also think that the PS browser is slow and clunky. I use and love iView Media Pro.
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I just started using this 2 weeks ago. I absolutely love it.
Dave (gallery)
I've been using an OEM version (1.0) of the non-Pro version that came with an old version of Roxio Toast, and it's been an excellent way to quickly get a thumbnail view of everything in a given folder. (Something that Windows XP can do in the OS, which is annoying.)
Unfortunately some of my RAW (CRW) images that have been converted to JPG can't be read by the old version, so I'm looking to upgrade to 2.5.
I don't really think I'll need the extra features (max number of items in catalog, RAW formats of the Pro version (and I don't shoot in RAW that often anyways), so the regular $50 version should be fine for me. Annoys me to have to pay just to see thumbnails, but I think it will come in handy though for cataloging what I've got, especially offline DVDs or CDs.
I have found iPhoto invaluable for one thing though: cropping in preparation for printing. Its constrain tool lets you select a photo size, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, etc., and it overlays a resizable mask that lets you crop photos in the correct proportion.
After enduring the initial import into iPhoto, it's nice and fast for this task.
Additionally the captions that you enter in iPhoto can be written to the IPTC headers in the photos, which Smugmug actually imports into its galleries. Details here.
Also iPhoto can sort by EXIF OriginalDateTime field (unlike smugmug's current "sort by date" functionality). So if you sort your photos by date in iPhoto, then upload it as an album with the uploader, it will be in the correct order.
Details on this here.
By the way, we contracted for the first version of the Mac uploader from a very talented guy who worked on OS X for years at NeXT (back when it was called NeXTstep). He can't take it to the next version due to time problems, so we're interviewing other contracters who want to.
If you have a name to throw in the hat that we should consider, let us know.
How about a "Refresh" button for getting the latest gallery list? I am often on the website adding galleries while uploading. It would be nice not to have to quit the Uploader to refresh the list.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Speaking of this, it turns out the Mac Uploader already does this. It clears out the previous files queued to upload when you drag additional photos to it.
This is actually an undesirable feature for me. I mean, if you're dragging and dropping photos from different locations, you expect them to all be there when you click on Upload. Instead, if I drag in three files from one folder, then go to another folder and drag in 5, I end up with 5 files to upload, not 8. Yuck.
But yeah, even better would a be a list view, so you could intentionally *remove* stuff from the upload queue if you wanted to.
Another tiny thing that'd be nice if you had the time: the progress bar doesn't seem to work while uploading MPEG files.
Probably because the uploader was originally designed for JPEGs and it's doing something JPEG-specific to get the file sizes?
Anyways, minor. Very minor. :-}