Excuse me Sir... do you have the time?

I love watches, and that's how I started to take photos, back in 2006.
1. Seiko SpringDrive.


Bell & Ross 03-92


Omega Speedmaster Professional (1976 vintage) The Moon Watch


Omega Seamaster AquaTerra


Thanks for looking.
With the exception of the Bell & Ross, all shots are with Nikon D50 and el cheapo Quantaray 50mm macro.
All Bell & Ross are with Nikon D90 and the same Quantaray 50mm macro.
CC is welcome... that's about all I know how to shoot. I am just now trying to venture into people photography.
1. Seiko SpringDrive.


Bell & Ross 03-92


Omega Speedmaster Professional (1976 vintage) The Moon Watch


Omega Seamaster AquaTerra


Thanks for looking.
With the exception of the Bell & Ross, all shots are with Nikon D50 and el cheapo Quantaray 50mm macro.
All Bell & Ross are with Nikon D90 and the same Quantaray 50mm macro.
CC is welcome... that's about all I know how to shoot. I am just now trying to venture into people photography.
ad astra per aspera
ad astra per aspera
Very nice work. Sharp, sharp, sharp. Good lighting also.
Thanks for posting
Facebook Fan Page
Thank you Sir.
I used to have a stainless steel B&R a while back and I like that one too.
Those two were shot hand held on my porch, with the watch on a lawn chair.
ad astra per aspera
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
You know... you will be hard pressed to find a lens with more negative reviews than the one I used to take those shots. That's all I could afford though and it worked okay for me. As long as you have time that is lol. (it is SLOW)
Unfortunately for me, that's all the photography I am decent at for now. I just recently started taking pics of people (a few weeks ago) and I got some pretty strong feedback (not very positive lol) on them. Which is good, cause that's how I learn.
ad astra per aspera
And since this is a Quartz Rolex, I thought it would be proper to do it on a Quartz crystal.
ad astra per aspera
Hey, these are great images. Good work!
Jeff Meyers
Or a version with less light...
ad astra per aspera
Stunning images, the clarity and sharpness of details are a wonderful treat for the eyes.
I felt the same way that Jeff did about that one watch, eeeh until I heard how much it cost maybe someday when all travelings done, and all the camera gear is acquired:D:D:D
Burleson, Texas
Yeah.... not cheap. I think that B&R is about 3500 dollars. Buy used from a collector and you can get it for half off. Use it for a few years, and you can sell it for the same amount and never lose a dime on it.
I hear you on the cost of watches. Trust me... I can't tell you how many times I have to eat Taco Bell to be able to save up enough to get a new watch! I usually save up for a year then use a part of the income tax to supplement what I saved.
I have 2 that are permanent, then I usually flip the rest. Have it for a year... trade... sell and buy a new one... etc. With the exception of those two Rolexes, I have owned all the other ones at one point or another.
It's my number one love and being active on watch forums is what got me into photography. That's pretty much the only think I know how to take a picture of.
ad astra per aspera
I recognize that G Series Camera.
in macro efforts. Once I broke that camera I moved to the Canon A610
which does marvelous macro work without having to break the bank. I
simply can't get the kind of sharp you are showing here when using my
Sigma 150mm macro.
The G2 is the greatest camera EVER!
I took this one hand held on my patio chair using that 7 years old Canon G2.
As far as your lens is concerned... that's ODD!
Mine are shot with a Quantaray 50 mm Macro, which is the cheapest macro lens out there. You will also be hard pressed to find any good reviews on it.
Maybe an experimentation with different unsharp masks would fix that?
ad astra per aspera
Very nice lighting too.
As far as my Sigma 150mm, I expected better performance than what I got
or am getting. Its so close but not on perfect sharp. Cropping is practically
impossible. I need to send it in and have Sigma check it out. Meanwhile I'm
doing most macros with the A610. It can get unbelievably close to target
and deliver sharp.
Hmm... maybe I just got lucky? I THINK Quantaray is the Wolf Camera brand lenses but they are manufactured by Sigma.
I love that G2. Sold it for 50 bucks a few months ago and I honestly regret it.
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