I am using php to access the SmugMug API.
According to the wiki (
images.get returns a list of images in an album.
How do you retrieve an image from an album? The results listed for images.get don't show anything that resembles the actual image data. There is an integer id and a key. I guess you are supposed to so something with these to retrieve the image, but what method is used?
According to the wiki (
images.get returns a list of images in an album.
How do you retrieve an image from an album? The results listed for images.get don't show anything that resembles the actual image data. There is an integer id and a key. I guess you are supposed to so something with these to retrieve the image, but what method is used?
Doors Photography by Thomas Epperson
If you just want to download the images, you could use smugmug.images.get to obtain the URLs for each image, then use the URLs to download the images. Using API version 1.2.2, this can be done as follows:
- In the smugmug.images.get request: 1) Include &Sandboxed=1 to ensure the returned URLs refer to a location with a crossdomain.xml file; and 2) Include &Extras with whatever size image you would like to download. For example, if you want the URLs for the Originals, you would specify &Extras=OriginalURL.
- Using the URLs returned from your call to smugmug.images.get, you can then use the URLs to download the images. Just include the "SMSESS=YourSessionID" cookie in the header of your GET request to download non-public images.
SmugMug's complete documentation for the 1.2.2 API is here:
Now I need to figure out an easy to get the albumid, imageid, and ImageKey if possible. Can I login to my smugmug, load the image I want to refer to and get the albumid, imageid, and Imagekey that I would use for the API calls?
EDIT: I figured this out also.