Embedding smugmug galleries?

As always, if I've missed a thread, FAQ, or tutorial in my searches, my apologies... and feel free to direct me to them! (also, if this is the wrong place, sorry on that score too....)
I want to add a photo viewer to my non-photographic, professional website (my promo site as a singer), and am wondering if there's an easy way to embed a SM gallery into a css/html page so that:
1. The page itself is in the CSS template of the rest of my site
2. There's no direct link back to the SM account and no obvious SM info (not that I don't love me some Smuggie, but in the context of the other site it would be somewhat out of place)
Alternatively, if anybody knows a simple, easy way to do this using alternative (free or open-source) software, please share! I can do basic HTML but am a total novice at CSS (this is my first time beyond ultra-basic, and I am simply using an open-source template, so know ZIP on the CSS coding front), so keep it simple for da n00b...
Thanks in advance for any answers and ideas... :thumb
ETA: If I can do this using LR, that's fine too.. I just can't figure out HOW I would load it to a webpage. ie where I'd grab the code from in LR (I also can't figure out how to caption each photo in a gallery separately in LR - no matter what i do it defaults to the whole gallery.... :scratch)
I want to add a photo viewer to my non-photographic, professional website (my promo site as a singer), and am wondering if there's an easy way to embed a SM gallery into a css/html page so that:
1. The page itself is in the CSS template of the rest of my site
2. There's no direct link back to the SM account and no obvious SM info (not that I don't love me some Smuggie, but in the context of the other site it would be somewhat out of place)
Alternatively, if anybody knows a simple, easy way to do this using alternative (free or open-source) software, please share! I can do basic HTML but am a total novice at CSS (this is my first time beyond ultra-basic, and I am simply using an open-source template, so know ZIP on the CSS coding front), so keep it simple for da n00b...
Thanks in advance for any answers and ideas... :thumb
ETA: If I can do this using LR, that's fine too.. I just can't figure out HOW I would load it to a webpage. ie where I'd grab the code from in LR (I also can't figure out how to caption each photo in a gallery separately in LR - no matter what i do it defaults to the whole gallery.... :scratch)
facebook | photo site |
Again, my apologies if these questions have really obvious answers I've missed (I promise that I'm searching the archives and reading all the FAQ's I can find!)
ETA: I found the helpfile regarding embedding slideshows, but I'm nearly as confusd as I was before I read it. For instance... how do I figure out the correct URL (I understand that it can't be the "normal" one, but how the heck do you "translate" it into what the code needs?)
E(again)TA: After two hours of reading smug helpfiles I have now found "badges" and those slideshows + their code... but they aren'tworking when I copy/paste the text into my page. I tried pasting it into the wysiwyg editor and the html code itself, and nada on either. Does it have to go somewhere special or get tweaked in some way?
(I am now remembering why I only overhaul my site every couple of years. It's ALWAYS more frustrating than I think it will be! :bash
It's taken me all &(!_&##&{!(@ night, but I think I have finally got this thing working.....
Sweet! So how did you do it?
We're talking the new SM slideshow now; I gave up on trying to do it with Lightroom.
How did I do it?
1. Searching SM for slideshow embedding, which brought up the fairly complex diy, manual, code gobbledygook. As I said, I know the basics, but my eyes started glazing over at about the point when it became clear I needed to reparse my smug address into a different alphanumeric format and I started getting frustrated.
2. I followed all the "new slideshow" promo links; I'd done this earlier, but for whatever reason kept winding up in different areas of SM, usually the "new widescreen" feature.
3. After a few more SM internal googlings, I gleaned that "show off" actually means "create public slideshow" (Smug, you know I loves ya AND your sense of humour and writing style, but sometimes your cute names for features really slow down the process! "Public Slideshow" would have got me there OODLES faster!!)
4. So, having realised that I COULD create exactly what I wanted - a seemingly integral slideshow with no obvious branding on it - I had to figure out how to put it into my existing page. This proved absurdly frustrating. If I put it into the wysiwyg editor, all I got was code. If I put it into the HTML source editor, I managed to screw up the formatting of my page.
I have to look at this in detail (I was so tired last night that once it worked I just gave up and WENT TO BED) but I think when I finally got it right I must have pasted the code between a different set of total-page tags (maybe in body in stead of head? Not sure... this is where my html skills start to fail me)
In any case, it WORKS. Now I only have to update the actual gallery page and the pictures will automatically do their thing. BLISS. I swear, this is worth the price of a SM gallery on its own.
One final thing: is there any chance of a similar way to embed a GALLERY (non-slideshow) in the same way, ie plain, unadorned and without branding? (If it's already there, just point me to it. As detailed above, I clearly don't "think Smug" quite accurately enough to frame my searchstrings in a way that gets me there in a straight line!!!)
I too have my gallery embedded into another website, but my concern is that the slideshow (while viewable in a desktop computer browsers) is NOT viewable on an iphone or ipad. Is there some other way to use the HTML embed code or link to "implant" one our galleries in SM into another website that you've built, in order to just see a gallery of photos - in a slideshow format??
Sigh - I've had this question for years, (after being so happy that the gallery slideshow was embeddable into another site) but never figured out a way to "fix" the fact that it didn't work to be seen on an iPhone or iPad, (don't know if non-iOS devices can view) other than to list the actual link to the SM gallery directly itself, which means that the viewer has to click the link - which takes them out of the current website they were in, and to my SM photography website's gallery. Kind of want to not have that going on - even though I own both sites and both companies!
Cheers in advance, to ANYONE who has the answer to this!!
Hi Sandi,
The embeddable slideshow code should work fine on iOS devices as well. You can just go to a photo in a gallery, click on the share button > gallery tab. Select the embed option and copy the code displayed there into your other site. Note that the site would need to support the use of iframe tags for this to work.
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